Hi everybody...If you were as old as G-Man you would certainly remember The Sky Bar!! introduced by Necco in 1938, the Sky Bar was the very first American candy bar to have 4 distinct individual flavors..Caramel..Vanilla..Peanut..and Fudge. This used to be a very common candy bar of the 40's 50's and 60's. It was my favorite!! It is still being produced by Necco, but it is very very hard to find.
The Heath Bar was introduced in the 20's..It's a delicious hunk of very thin English Toffee, covered with creamy milk chocolate, It's now owned by Hershey's..
The Snickers Bar, is made by Mars. It was introduced in the 30's. And it's awesome mixture of peanuts, caramel, nougat, and milk chocolate, is the largest selling candy bar in the world.
The Hershey Bar, has been virtually unchanged since 1894 when it was first introduced. I can always remember the old guy at the corner grocery store always bellowing outloud...
"Hershey Bar?...Male or Female?....( He meant, with nuts...or without nuts)
Of course all of these candy bars used to be a tad bigger, and they were only a nickel each!
Hmmm...I think I need to bust open my photo shoot now...Peace!!
The cub reporter was very nervous during his first evaluation.
The editor loved his style, but his story column titles SUCKED!!
"Yellow Snow Cones"...
"Fecal Pottery"...
"Loogie Launching"...
Finally, his angst caused him to emit an SBD!!
Gasping, the editor screams....
"OLSON...Do you know your fart is gagging me?"
'Know it?.....I wrote it!!!!'
Hi everybody...If you or anyone you know has written a Flash 55, please send them my way. I'll visit, read, comment, then leave!! Have a GREAT WEEK-END!!!
Hi everybody...Last night one of my very favorite shows, The Antiques Road Show was on..
On one of the blurbs towards the end of the show, they always present a few of the minor items of value. Last night someone brought in their childhood Slinky, IN THE ORIGINAL BOX!!! Because it did indeed have the box, it had a value of around 150.00!!
I got to thinkin...Hmmmmm, Maybe I should check my treasure trove of childhood toys and see if I saved mine....And did I?? Hahahaha...Of course I did!!!
"What walks down the stairs
Alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound?
A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing,
everyone knows it's Slinky...
It's Slinky, It's Slinky, It's fun it's a wonderful toy
It's Slinky, It's Slinky, It's fun for a girl or a boy.
Everyone knows it's Slinky, Everyone wants a Slinky!!!!"
I think that this might be a regular feature on Mr. Knowitall's Blog Spot. I have a myriad of useless, forgotten, and very interesting items...Stay Tuned!!!
Do any of you have anything from your Childhood that may be of interest to the G-Man? Please share with me if you do...