Thursday, November 28, 2013
Friday Flash 55.....
Not wanting to come to the party empty handed, the Chief of the Wampanoag's
brought five deer and a pumpkin.
Governor Bradford: "Yellow-Feather, thank you for your generous gifts. Please
squat down at the head of the adult table and have some more oysters. After dinner
we'll all play a wonderful new game called....Poker!
I'm quite sure this is how the First Thanksgiving really went down.
If you or anyone you know are Wampanoag or have written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!
So from the most STUFFED host from coast to coast....
Have a KICK-ASS Thanksgiving Week-End!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody.....
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thursday Portrait.....
I will be hosting Friday Flash 55 as usual, but I understand how busy you all
will probably be...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Hope to see you anyway at 8:00 PM Thursday Night EST.
Drink Responsibly, Stuff yourself silly, Be Thankful for living in the free world!
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody.....
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday Musing.....
God bless The Food Channel for bringing into our homes creative cooking
and interesting food ideas. But one thing that has ticked me off about them every
Holiday is that they have an avowed disdain for stuffing a turkey! They claim that
by stuffing a turkey you have the chance of inviting salmonella poisoning to your
T-Day fun.
OK....Has ANYONE out there that you know of ever been poisoned by stuffing?
Does anyones stuffing go un-consumed after a meal for any length of time?
Right....Just as I thought.
Last Friday's Flash 55 crowd did an EXCELLENT job of sharing their JFK and
'other' memorable life changing moments with us all. It was so much fun that I thought
we would give it another go with sharing YOUR family's stuffing recipe', I'll start....
Then night before break up by hand two loaves of bread and let it dry out in the oven
In a frying pan scramble up two pounds of savory sage breakfast sausage and set aside.
In a sauce pan boil two chopped onions and 4 stalks of celery sliced thin in about two
cups of chicken or turkey broth.
When transluscent dump both the onion/celery pan (without draining) and the sausage
pan ( grease and all ) into the bread crumbs, and mix well.
Season to taste with rubbed sage and stuff your bird!!!
As of late I have been taking the unused stuffing, making them into snowball sized portions
and baking them in a buttered muffin pan. They get a wonderful crispy coating that is
to die for....(But not from salmonella)
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Friday Flash 55.....
8th Grade....
We were in the auditorium watching a movie on the American flag, when all of the
teachers started whispering excitedly amongst themselves. The lights came on, we
were herded back to our home rooms, the P.A. was tuned to Walter Cronkight.
".....Fellow Americans, this just in from Dallas, President Kennedy has been SHOT!"
A few minutes later school let out early, and three days of surreal live imagery was
forever etched into our minds forever. I'll never ever forget that day. Where were YOU?
If you or anyone you know shot Kennedy or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment ...Then BOOK!
So from the most unforgetting host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
I still can't believe it's been 50 years.....
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Thursday Portrait.....
There's this artisan bakery in the town where I work that makes old world
deliciousness like no other. One of their Masterpieces is this delightful
little pastry called 'Pain Au Raisin'. I'm not the biggest raisin fan in the world,
but THIS thing is indescribable in any spoken language. Even my web portrait
can't take his eyes from this prize!!
And to think, it's only $2.55........
See you all (I Hope) this Thursday Night 8:00 PM EST
Monday, November 18, 2013
Still Peachy.....
I remember having the top poster hanging up in my room in the mid 60...:-)
Then I saw a pic of her today at age SEVENTY-THREE????????
Holy Shit!!!!
Raquel Welch STILL looks better than most at ANY age.
(her hands look a bit aged though)
Whatever! She's awesome.....
Any signs of a facelift?
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Friday Flash 55.....
'What the matter Cupcake, you don't dig Hemingway?'
"I like Ernie just swell Frankie, just swell..... But you see I got this hankerin
for some Dickens. And not just any old Dickens!
I'm talkin Great Expectations.. First Edition.. Chapman and Hall.. July 1861.
If you could score that for me Frankie, that would REALLY make my
little biscuit soggy."
Dames....You should see what she'd do for a D.H. Lawrence First Edition!!
If you or anyone you know is a Biblio-Freak or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the soggiest host from coast to coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Thursday Portrait.....
Some folks out there in Bloggerville may think that the juxtaposition between myself
and the 'Spectre of the 55' is contrived and fiction in itself. But let me tell you that the
onus of the 55 follows me around EVERYWHERE!!!
A couple of weeks ago while commenting on Ann Pinot's contribution, the above pic
shows what the word verification number was. This is just one of the many examples of
how this number pops up and into my life. Freaky Eh?
See you all ( I hope ) Thursday night, 8:00 PM EST
If you want to hear the Number One song in the country, this week, exactly 55 years ago,
please click on the following link....
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
President Lizzie....?
It's inevitable that a woman is going to be President some day, so I'm throwing
my support to Elizabeth Warren Democratic Senator from Mass. She's very
smart, still hot for 64, doesn't wear thick glasses, and can't see Russia from her
front porch. Yep, she seems the best suited. Is there a woman out there that YOU
would vote for President?
Monday, November 11, 2013
Thank You.....
Take a second today to shake the hand and thank all that serve or has served in the past
to protect our freedom......
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Friday Flash 55.....
After many hours of drunk negotiating, the salesman and the hooker agree to have sex
in his hotel room. The next day he learns that she gave him CRABS!
Irate, he stormed back to the lounge, finds her, and screams..."Bitch, you gave me crabs"!
She replied, "Hey, what'd you expect for ten bucks....Lobster"?
I'm obligated by the Bylaws of Flash Fiction 55 to have at least 6 Groaners a year..Sorry
If you or anyone you know is a cheap hooker, or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!
So from the Crabiest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Thursday Portrait.....
Oh yes oh yes my name is Galen Lee
If you've got a warrant just a read it to me
I cut her down because she made me slow
I thought I was her Daddy but she had 55 more!
Now all you people please listen to me....
Stay away from Whiskey, and let that Cocaine be
And tune in Thursday Night at 8 PM EST It's Fun It's Free!
Monday, November 4, 2013
My New Favorite Show.....
I don't watch much Network TV at all, the original N.C.I.S. and CSI is about it.
But if you are a fan of campy mysteries, tune in NBC Monday nights at 10.
It's not too late to start watching, and it's well worth watching the back episodes
on the NBC website. I pride myself in guessing the the outcome of most
who-done-its, but THIS show is a hoot! Great writing, great on screen chemistry,
and it's very intense and well done. Megan Boone and James Spader are Terrific!
Let me know what you think.......