Monday, November 18, 2013

Still Peachy.....

I remember having the top poster hanging up in my room in the mid 60...:-)
Then I saw a pic of her today at age SEVENTY-THREE????????
Holy Shit!!!!
Raquel Welch STILL looks better than most at ANY age.
(her hands look a bit aged though)
Whatever!   She's awesome.....
Any signs of a facelift?


  1. There is something about her that seems ageless .. Hands and all. (Remind me never to let you examine mine)

    Three OTs???

  2. Yep, hard to hide those ageng hands.

    But she is a knock-out, still.

    Ann Margaret had (maybe still has) an ass like a peach, so sayeth what's his name in that movie role. Speaking of PEACHY!! Wasn't that in No Way Out. (I thought that first pic of Raquel was Ann Margaret.)

    What day is it? Who the hell cars? And cares? Well, you car. Cause you sell them and all, and probably throw in free undercoating this time of the year if they pay full list :)

    I just sold a trinket box on eBay for $2.99! Life is good. :)


  3. She looks amazing...and hands and necks tend to give age away. My brothers had that poster. :)

  4. wow yes she is still very beautiful. I wonder if she has had work done and if not god I wanna know what she uses to keep her skin looking that young!

  5. Hi. She's very pretty. She was one hot caveman. ;)

  6. If I was a betting woman, I'd say yes, she's had some work done. Her forehead is just so smooth. Yes, she is beautiful, but it makes it hard on the rest of us :)

  7. Wow - I would have guessed she was more like 55!
