Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

'What the matter Cupcake, you don't dig Hemingway?'

"I like Ernie just swell Frankie, just swell..... But you see I got this hankerin
for some Dickens. And not just any old Dickens!
I'm talkin Great Expectations.. First Edition.. Chapman and Hall.. July 1861.
If you could score that for me Frankie, that would REALLY make my
little biscuit soggy."

Dames....You should see what she'd do for a D.H. Lawrence First Edition!!
If you or anyone you know is a Biblio-Freak or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the soggiest host from coast to coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. soggy biscuits and dick-ins...sounds more like dessert than dinner...ha

    you found mine already g...

    mine is up

  2. You are a master of le mot juste G--not to mention the double entendre. I had great expectations once...but that was a tail of two skivies.

    I'm playin--just a poem, no dreams this time:


  3. What a great tale. Love the word play.

    Mine is HERE.

  4. Omg. Even by pulp novel standards, that's pretty weird!

  5. lol - I just knew you'd take literature to a whole new level, G. :) You little Dickens you. ;)(I was giggling the minute I read the title)

    My 55: Lifelines

  6. Sounds like a bibliobimbonympho ... just can't get enough of the good stuff.

  7. Am I the only one disturbed by the splash of blood?

    Mine is up

  8. I read a few Harlequin Romances back in the 80's … but I think the stuff from the 1950's was much more hardcore!

    I quickly wrote something a little less exciting. Will have to get off the subject of nature and spice it up a bit for next week. :) I'll put my thinking cap on. But for now…


    I'll be back in the morning to comment. I've had a very busy day.l And I still need to finish last Friday's visiting. (Goodnight)

  9. I'd take Dickens over Hemingway!

    Mine is up:

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Soggy biscuits huh? well IDK about that one.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Count me among the many who would prefer Dickens over Hemingway.

    Er, I mean, Chuck over Ernie. (!)

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  14. P.S. "Soggy Biscuit" would be a great name for a bad blues singer.

  15. I'll read rare editions, paperback reprints, name it. Does that make me a biblioslut?

    I'm grateful for books, any way I can get them! Here's what else makes me feel Gratitude

  16. Open the page and flick,'s easy if you know how to read. Mine is Here today.

  17. Hi G-man, have a great weekend too! Here is my contribution for this week: First And Last Visit

  18. Ouch! How about something a little more uplifting, like...

    It Was A Time Best Forgotten

    Kick ass weekend back to ya GMan.

  19. Perhaps later she'll help his straighten out his Longfellow?

    (Hey, you don't have a patent on groaners, y'know!)

    After far too long, I've come back to the 55 fold...

  20. Ha! Better keep her away from Erica Jong! I am laughing at Eric Bubba Alder above--as well as this whole wonderful concept. I, in fact, really love Dickins!

    I am not up yet with a 55. Maybe late late tonight. I have sort of an idea, but I am in work-24/7 mode at the moment. Agh. Take care, k.

  21. Hey 55ers--just got notice the grandkids are descending, so I am off to tie down everything breakable. I'll be around this weekend to visit.

  22. Good play of words... quite a clever write. :-)
    Here is mine: Her thirst


  23. Sounds like you've got some action going! Love the title. Have a fun weekend. Here's mine:

  24. Galen, this is just classic--LOVE IT!

    Here's mine: Anonymity Not Included

  25. Whew! This was a hot dish, G. You are really on a roll with these tantalizing 55s. A great leader as always.

    the interview

  26. I think that might have actually been a triple entendre! I'll be back to read and comment later, but for now here's mine:

    It Is What It Is...Not

  27. With apologies to Paul Simon ~~~ (50)55 Ways:

    Pardon for the intrude and at the risk of seeming rude: Five more ways to dump your lover. Just walk out the door ‘cause he’s a bore ~ Take a trip cause he’s a drip ~ Change your ‘tude and dump the dude ~ Hop aboard then cut that cord ~ Drop off the key ~ then come see ME!

  28. too funny!!! you can find my 55 here:-)

  29. All this time i thought it was the beard doing it.
