Tuesday, November 12, 2013

President Lizzie....?

It's inevitable that a woman is going to be President some day, so I'm throwing
my support to Elizabeth Warren Democratic Senator from Mass. She's very
smart, still hot for 64, doesn't wear thick glasses, and can't see Russia from her
front porch. Yep, she seems the best suited. Is there a woman out there that YOU
would vote for President?


  1. I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat, but I think she's not crooked enough to run for President. ;_) Besides, Wall Street would never stand for it.

  2. Blackjack!

    Also, hot for 64???? You kill me, G.;_)

  3. Interesting, I think I will read up on Liz Warren. I think Hillary would have a better chance...but...then again I am not familiar with Liz!

  4. Although I know she doesn't qualify because of her dual-citizenship, I'd vote for Selma Hayek for President, because then at least having the President pre-empt my TV shows would give me something pleasant to see.

  5. I think there still a lot of people in the US that have very negative opinions about women in power. What we need is a deadly combination of Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Martha Stewart, Condy, and Catherine the Great.
    As a woman, I have high expectations of the first female president. My hopes for the first black president went all to shit. What can you expect? Obama is just another dude, another swingin' dick with a body and part of a marginally functional brain. He is nothing special at all.
    The US could take a lesson from the Roman Catholic Church. Who runs things on the business end? Nuns. They are the power behind the papal throne. Without nuns to administer the various businesses and charities, the Church would fall apart.

  6. Elizabeth Warren, hands down! I love everything about her. I think she'd make a tremendous president.

  7. Yep I'd take Liz over Hillary any day of the week. I hope and pray though that because of some miss fortune like Obama that Hillary will some how get elected and we will go into a tale spin of no return

  8. I know lots of women qualified, but, sadly, none of them would even think of seeking that position!

  9. I'd take Liz or Hillary in a heartbeat!

  10. Is she the one who is part "Native American" ;P Kill two birds with one stone. First N.A. Woman.

    Well, from what I have heard from her, I probably wouldn't vote for her, but I had only heard soundbites so I can't really say. I wouldn't vote for Hillary, either, but I'm sure that doesn't shock anyone here. :)

    Condoleezza Rice always struck me as being very smart, but I don't know much about her. And she isn't running. So…
