Thursday, November 28, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

Not wanting to come to the party empty handed, the Chief of the Wampanoag's
brought five deer and a pumpkin.
Governor Bradford: "Yellow-Feather, thank you for your generous gifts. Please
squat down at the head of the adult table and have some more oysters. After dinner
we'll all play a wonderful new game called....Poker!

I'm quite sure this is how the First Thanksgiving really went down.
If you or anyone you know are Wampanoag or have written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!
So from the most STUFFED host from coast to coast....
Have a KICK-ASS  Thanksgiving Week-End!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody.....


  1. I am not in Wampanoag, nor do I know anyone who is but I have written a 55. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Here is my 55 for this week: Evening Meal

  2. I just knew you had a Wayback Machine stashed away some place, G Man! Mine will be up tomorrow morning.

  3. Five deer and a pumpkin walk into a, that was a different story, NOT about Thanksgiving. I hope yours has been excellent, G.

    I'm playing with a blast from the past--I'll be back tomorrow to visit:


  4. ha. careful you might lose your land in that game....just saying...

    hope you had a great thanksgiving g...

  5. Good setting. And that ending says a lot. :-)
    Here is my link- Dribbling

  6. It is never good to come to a party empty handed!  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates.  Mine is up:   Thanksgiving Dinner

  7. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving has been brilliant so far. Galen, I'm sure that's exactly how it went down. I mean, you can only eat so much deer before you go buck. ;)

    My 55: Lambent

  8. Hi everybody...
    I'll get to answering in the morning, I'm sure we'll be slow
    at work. Thanks for all your support.... G

  9. The joke is on the pilgrims if the Indians turn out to be better than them at bluffing.

    Speaking of Indians...Thanksgiving Indians

  10. Sounds like the Indians were far more generous than the Pilgrims deserved!

    Ate WAY too much today, but we did go for a family walk … but then we came back and ate too much pie. The only thing we were good for was to watch a movie together - but now they are all asleep and I had to swing by here and let you know how thankful I am for the efforts you put in hosting this weekly challenge - I rather enjoy it. Your kind words and humor make my week.

    I won't be back to comment until Friday evening - my kids all want to go Christmas shopping tomorrow (not something I'm thrilled with)


  11. I like your revised version of the original thanksgiving. I posted this yesterday but here it is again for Friday:

    Hope your day was fun!

  12. Your afterthoughts are especially fun this week, G. I don't trust the pic...those people have a modern look and so does the dog. I think they are some weird cult that just likes to play dress-up and Poker!

    At Thanksgiving

  13. Here are my beads. I'm all in. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    flash 55 - let xmas begin

  14. Fireblossom was forced to return to her job today, so asked me to link in her 55 for her:

    Fireblossom's Friday 55

  15. In the wise words of my people, we should have killed them when they got off the boat!

  16. Hey Galen--my husband brought in one deer (so far). I'm vegetarian so still looking for the pumpkin. AND the poker. Cards or red hot!

    Sounds like you had a great thanksgiving.

    I am up.


  17. That explains so much! Lol, very good G-man. Hope your turkey day was 55 helpings of wonderful!
    Here's my 55 words worth:

    Thanksgiving Thoughts:

  18. well, if you count the title, and the hyphen-word as one, here's my 55

    and I ate too damn much. plus since it's raining, my afternoon hike is a bit muddled. guess I better have some pie. ~

  19. OK, G-Man, you corralled me again, and excitedly I added my 55 here just for you.

  20. Good one. here is mine

  21. Here's mine. Late, but not because I was shopping. I hope your Thanksgiving was peaceful and quiet.

    55 Words

  22. Having finally woken up to see i have once again missed not only a holiday AND a chance to write an off topic 55 I must express my deepest sorrow. Of course the sorrow is done with my best bluff face.

  23. hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...

  24. That sounds a lot like my family Thanksgiving, but we play 500 instead of poker. Sorry I missed out on the fun this week.
