Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

Some folks out there in Bloggerville may think that the juxtaposition between myself
and the 'Spectre of the 55' is contrived and fiction in itself. But let me tell you that the
onus of the 55 follows me around EVERYWHERE!!!
A couple of weeks ago while commenting on Ann Pinot's contribution, the above pic
shows what the word verification number was. This is just one of the many examples of
how this number pops up and into my life. Freaky Eh?
See you all ( I hope ) Thursday night, 8:00 PM EST
If you want to hear the Number One song in the country, this week, exactly 55 years ago,
please click on the following link....


  1. the onus and the anus of the 55 follow you everywhere, G-man. :)

    ~ M

  2. G-daddy--no one could believe it more than I could!
    love ya!

  3. Oh, I'm a believer! Tell me. How did you ever decide upon this magic number for your Friday Funfest?

  4. I love the harmonizing… but it cracked me up such a cheerful sounding song - but what a horrible story!

    In-laws are visiting all weekend, but i will try to find some time …

  5. Tom Dooley! GAH I'm old. I was an impressionable young sprout when that came out. Your fated 55-ness is a mystahree I could never explain.There are some things Man was just not meant to know.

  6. 55 must be an all magical number for you Galen....have you played the lottery with it yet? Love Tom Dooley.

  7. I'm a believer, G-Man... I've seen far too much evidence to dispute it.

    And, after much too long, I'm back in the 55 fold!

