Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Musing.....

God bless The Food Channel for bringing into our homes creative cooking
and interesting food ideas. But one thing that has ticked me off about them every
Holiday is that they have an avowed disdain for stuffing a turkey! They claim that
by stuffing a turkey you have the chance of inviting salmonella poisoning to your
T-Day fun.
OK....Has ANYONE out there that you know of ever been poisoned by stuffing?
Does anyones stuffing go un-consumed after a meal for any length of time?
Right....Just as I thought.
Last Friday's Flash 55 crowd did an EXCELLENT job of sharing their JFK and
'other' memorable life changing moments with us all. It was so much fun that I thought
we would give it another go with sharing YOUR family's stuffing recipe', I'll start....
Then night before break up by hand two loaves of bread and let it dry out in the oven
In a frying pan scramble up two pounds of savory sage breakfast sausage and set aside.
In a sauce pan boil two chopped onions and 4 stalks of celery sliced thin in about two
cups of chicken or turkey broth.
When transluscent dump both the onion/celery pan (without draining) and the sausage
pan ( grease and all ) into the bread crumbs, and mix well.
Season to taste with rubbed sage and stuff your bird!!!
As of late I have been taking the unused stuffing, making them into snowball sized portions
and baking them in a buttered muffin pan. They get a wonderful crispy coating that is
to die for....(But not from salmonella)


  1. Food Channel can suck it. Stuffing rules!!!

  2. I caught a bad case of salmonella poisoning one Easter when I was boiling a shit-ton of eggs. I spent one week in the worst pain ever as the lining of my intestines sloughed away and I shit them out in a slurry of blood, shit, and mucous. I spent the next two months on and off antibiotics and other meds trying to get back to shitting normal. Never take normal shit for granted. I mean that as both literal and metaphorical "shit". Be kind to your colon.
    I spent a Thanksgiving one year recovering from some other kind of puke-n-shit nightmare after handling FULLY COOKED pork while wearing acrylic nails. I could not eat a tamale for years after that episode. I have not worn acrylic nails since.
    Again, be kind to your colon. ALWAYS wear gloves to handle BOTH raw AND cooked meat! Gloves are not a bad idea when handling raw eggs. Bleach and boiling water are your best friends. Do regular maintenance on your frig to keep it and your freezer at the proper temps and free of pathogens. WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!
    Happy cooking!

  3. Mmmm on the recipe, G--I like the muffin tin idea, too.

    Our recipe is similar, only no sausage--you saute equal parts onions and celery in a lot of butter, along with about half as many raisins, then add water (or stock if you got it)as directed on the pepperidge farm stuffing bag. ;_) My grandmother did the bread the way you do, though, but I'm too lazy.
    The raisins make this really tasty with turkey and gravy, but some don't care for it--too bad, I'm the cook! ;_)Happy Turkey Day to you and yours, G.

  4. No way am I giving up stuffing. It's the best part of the turkey (especially the crunchy bits on the outside that I--as "chef"--have to sample (until there are no crunchy bits left, of course). :)

  5. OK. Now that Brandi has scared the … crap out of me, I never have ever worried about handling eggs or cooked meat. I do wash my hands with soap after eggs and raw meat.

    This year I am having a local restaurant cook the food and we are picking it up at 12:30!! I am really so excited - I get to go for walks with the family, play board games and watch the movies with my kids - John will probably go back and forth between sports and our movie… :)

    Stuffing - I've always "doctored up" half the Pepperidge Farm bag with onions and celery - but it is the gravy that is ultimately important.

    ONE year I did make the full dinner from the cookbook "City Tavern" by Walter Staib. It is a historical building in historic Philadelphia - I learned the importance Madeira wine plays in truly tasty gravy. The deviled eggs were GREEN - from all the fresh herbs. I made "Martha Washington's Chocolate Mousse Cake" which uses partially cooked eggs … I guess we got lucky - no one got sick.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Galen! You are always so funny, so generous, and kind. I truly look forward to my Thursday 55's. (with that said, I am trying to get to all my commenting tonight and tomorrow.

  6. When I cook, I stuff the bird AND make a side dish!

  7. We always stuff our turkey. It's everyone's favorite part of the feast. My mother always stuffed her 30-lb turkeys the night before and set them on the unheated front porch and they were ready to go in the open at 6am. My grandmother did the same. Our recipe is the same as yours, minus the sausage. I would ditto Fire Blossoms's messasge. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Hey Galen--I have been vegetarian for forty years but I tend to like stuffing so always glad when it can be made separate, even without turkey broth, but vegetable broth. Yes, I know it is wimpy.

    I like raisins and apples too as HW says. I will unfortunately probably not have a real Thanksgiving this year as many family members have reasons they cannot be where I am and I can't go with them because of an 18 1/2 year old dog who just can't travel any more and is very difficult to leave with someone (for fear she will die on them.) Not so terrible for me since I don't eat turkey, but still will be a bit hard. Agh. These things happen. (We just can't quite put down the dog yet--we've had her her whole lifetime.)

    I did do another JFK remembrance after the fifty-five.

    I may try to come up with a stuffing one for Friday. Take care and have a great holiday. K.

  9. Take 4 pieces of bread and coat with olive oil based buttery looking stuff, place 2 in a frying pan on low medium heat buttery side down, add 2 pieces of cheese, and three slices of lunch meat, cover with other two pieces of bread buttery side up. Wait until you smell the bread and flip. Wait for three minutes more. Plate and stuff your face. I Love Thanksgiving.

  10. Damn, G-Man, you're killing me! This will be my first Thanksgiving since I was diagnosed with celiac disease, and I can't have stuffing! However, this is also probably the last year my mom will make stuffing, so I'm tempted . . .

  11. I do know one family that was sick with food poisoning from Thanksgiving, and they decided it was probably the stuffing. It can happen, but the chances are small. As a vegetarian, I don't plan on stuffing a bird, but my sage stuffing will be quite as good as my grandma's (and even preferred by the carnivores in my family).

  12. I'm afraid mine is way to simple a recipe and compared to yours mine is boring. I cheat a lot too because we just dont have the time for everything like we used to so let me give you the cheat version now.
    I use 3 boxes of seasoned croutons
    I take large pan and put stick butter in bottom melt,with some sage and celery and onions chopped (now I can buy them already chopped thank goodness saves on my poor hands)I stir this while the onions soften some and then add the croutons shut stove off. I add about 1/2 cup water stir and some more sage them stuff my turkey. Thats about it. I dont use the gizzard in it cause Mr Gab likes to eat that so I cook that separate along with the heart and he eats those. what ever stuffing that doesnt go into turkey I wrap into tin foil and bake then when we take out turkey we take stuffing from turkey add to the other stuffing mix together and serve that way no stuffing goes to waste ever! Ive never had complaints about my stuffing and maybe its cause the croutons are seasoned and all I add is sage. IDK but it works here for us.

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