I know many of you have heard this story before, so please
bear with me. I'm tying it into something....
About 30 years ago I was at a yard sale and spotted a box with
some dishes in it. The box was marked $1.00 !! I picked up one
saucer and on the bottom it said Meakin England. I about SHIT!
The person in charge said that it was a Buck for the whole box!
I gave her the Dollar, and brought the box home. And promptly
forgot about it in my basement for maybe...20 YEARS!
While watching the Antiques Road Show, I suddenly remembered the
box in the basement. Since I didn't have Google 30 years ago, I
really had no idea of their worth. Well thanks to the marks at the
bottom of Each Dish, it was easy to look up. This is a COMPLETE
6 piece setting of Dinner Plates, Salad Plate, Cup/Saucer, Soup Bowl,
Sugar Dish/Creamer, and a Platter. The replacement value direct
from Meakin, is about $1200.00...HA! All for a BUCK!
Zoom to 3 Weeks ago....
While at a Antique Flea Market, I saw this brightly colored
platter, on the back it said Alfred Meakin England, and it was
marked at EIGHT BUCKS!! I've tried and tried to identify the pattern,
but I have not found the exact one yet. Can anyone out there in
Blogland help a Brother out? Regardless of the value, I Love It, It's
very Easter and Springlike, and I'm happy with the price.
Did I pay too much? Did I get a good deal? Please help the G-Man
with his mystery. Thank You .....Galen