(A heated discussion is taking place between Master Mayan Stone Cutter DeNumnutz, and his young apprentice Krill)
"Master....These calculations are WAY off!
19 KINS should be where 19 KATUNS are!
The actual Doomsday Date is December 20th, 4012"!!!!!
'Look Krill...The Kings emissary is coming TODAY to pick this up...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Come see The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
monkey is up...
Monkey Man
Phew! Because i was worried, you know. ;)
PS - Mine is HERE
Yes, indeed. 2000 more years of making merry for all. And then some! Fun 55, G-Man!
Well, I'm singing my Flash-55 this week. Ready or not, it's up at...
lol. i bet there will be quite the stir here in the next couple years...hope the caluculations are off...
and i am up as well...Here
Funny as always G. Have a great weekend x
Mine’s here.
Is Thursday the new Friday? ;)
You are going to upset a lot of doomsday folks with this news.
After a summer hiatus, mine is here: A Puzzling Experience
Wrong Link to my 55 Sorry??? Try this one....
A Puzzling Experience
What have I done...? I wish I'd known this before I... ...
I'll see your 19 katuns and raise you 20 lunations
Really - G????
mine is serious
doesnt that mean i shoud be getting paid for servicing your...blog...lol. and britney says hi, she will work on a 55...smiles. you the man g!
I'm back. I forgot to tick the comment box :)
Too funny...but I hope it is another 2000years before we all blow! :D I'm up...
LOL...too funny. Thank goodness for them :) Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday :)
ROFL!! That explains everything!
...and what a relief, because I keep hoping next year will be better -- and I've been trudging through a whole lot of 'next years' by now. So I hope yours is the REAL story!
My 55's based on a real story too, but I couldn't help sticking on a happy ending.
loved that take!
i wonder about the moon here
cute 55.
have fun, G-man!
mine is up on blogger...
See you later.
Holy crud, have I missed a day? Anyway... So, like, I don't have to take that movie seriously? Whew!:)
This is great, lol! Those mayans. A smart people. Let's hope you're scenario is right, lol. I'm up today. Had to after Jannie's singing 55.
I just HAD to say something.
You know how much I love My Friday Thang. There is Wonderfully Creative Talent that visits here. And it's a GREAT HONOR for me to be a part of the fun. But I was absolutely brought to tears tonight by the fantastic Jannie Funster. Go visit her 55. It absolutely Blew Me Away!!!
Thanks Jannie...Galen
Now let me say something else, it is a priviledge to have all of you churn out a 55, and come tell me!
I love My Job....Thanks
It was indeed excellent.
This takes me back to my senior class trip in high school. We went to Mexico City, Taxco, Acapulco. It was a great time. I remember seeing this stone. I think I even brought a souvenir one back home. It's long gone by now.
Nice memories. Thanks for this 55.
Mine is up.
here's mine
& I was thinking that doomsday was supposed to be on 21st December 2010!
Damn, that DeNumnutz. He is really nuts as far as numbers are concerned!
G-Man & co. My 55ve is up and about!
& Galen, I did not play a day in advance, Please check the date!
We in India are 12 hours ahead of you :P
And of course you are commercial G Man! You are selling a 55ve writing Friday with every Thursday portrait of yours!
I tend to run from one doomsday to the next. It's hard to get worked up after the first half a dozen.
My 55 is here.
hhmmm...so even the mayans imagined you'r 62nd birthday would be a blowout!
oh, and i played along this week :)
Oh yours is funny and I don't know if I pronounce it right, mr Knowi Tall, is it De Noomn nootz? Ha!
My relaxing retreat is up HERE
Fab Di....
De Numb Nuts....hehehe
But it sure does look Mayan with that Z on the end EH?
I hope it's 4012. That will give me time to find all these socks I keep losing.
Yay for another Friday 55!
Mine's here.
Jannie's 55 was pure awesomeness! As was yours, G-Man!
Can we start leaking this information so we can hear a little less about the imminent ending of the world? Instead, we turn 2012 into the party of the century!
This was cool !! loved it :)
i wrote something vague : http://ladynimue.wordpress.com/2010/08/04/true-predictment/
hope you can make sense out of it :)
That's an excellent story (and good news!)
I'm a bit lost this week:
Ah, conspiracy upon conspiracy upon conspiracy. plenty of time left, then.
You'll find mine here.
I did you a 55 this week Galen.
4012---2012 what's a few thousand years give or take?
i like this one g-man!
..mine is up as well - raindrop warriors..
Ola Galen, I found this weird, but funny nonetheless.
Have a wild weekend.
Mine is here:
heheheh.. CUTE! How many more lives will I have to live to see that doomsday, I wonder! ;-)
Great to be back at the 55!!! Here is mine :)
Have fun, y'all...
heheheh.. CUTE! How many more lives will I have to live to see that doomsday, I wonder! ;-)
Great to be back at the 55!!! Here is mine :)
Have fun, y'all...
Sorry - I just had to double-dip.
I had to tell you how your comment on my 55 touched my heart. Honestly I don't always feel like I'm gliding through life spreading good stuff. However, that is exactly what I try to do with my blog.
Trying to remain humble,
Oh, thank heavens, I still have time to finishing reading all the books I have around here, provided they find that elusive fountain of youth.
You mean the solar storm coming that'll wipe out all electronic communication and leave us in the west starving isn't right? Dam, so I'll have to cancel the living off the wild course I was planning to put on. Good one. Want to hear (yes hear!) or read my Friday 55 Flash fiction then click here. Hope you have a good weekend!
The path of an apprentice is never an easy one!
Mine is up!
I'm up at:
Waycool, by Kukulkan!
Waycool, by Kukulkan!
Here is mine for this week!
Last Connections
I’m in!
Flashback 55
Haiku 55
LOL! I love it! What we need more of are "whistle blowers", especially these days. Bad Mayans!
Mine is up
Wouldn't matter - people would always find something else to freak out about. We're foolishly superstitious creatures.
Shit. I thought my time was up. Now, I have to be nice to people again.
Great 55!
I am playin the game today :)
My 55 is here
Here is mine for the week. Grasping for dreams.
Can't wait to read the others!
That was nice...Mine is here...
Hooray, thanks!
my 55 finally launched-
G-man you never cease to amaze me, I was just talking about this very subject the other day, I simply think they ran out of room so the calendar ends! My 55 is up, and have a fabulous weekend!
I think I like that better than what Ive been hearing on tv...end of the world 2014.
He didn't read the instructions, huh?
I did. Mine's up. Yes, you read that right. ;P
Well, that's a relief!
Mine is up!
Probably my fault for listing two 55's in my original comment, but it seems that nobody noticed my Photo Haiku 55
That's a relief!
Phew! That was a close one!
I’m up The Dalai Lama.
I won't be around in 4012 so I'm not bothered. ;)
Mine's up. :)
deer g-mans
hay -- this is an exsillent partry
off to reed some mor 55s.
tonite we partee liek it's 1999.
OH this is one your very best. Those government employees. They'll just get away with anything.
Thanks for reading the 55er and giving me good instructions. See ya.D
g-man has been playing with the templates...
I love the story--how awesome. Can I play too?
Imagine that! So you think we might be getting ourselves all worked up for nothing?!
An awesome 55 G!
I've got one for you too... http://felicitas-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/
yeah, now that's what i'm talking about! are you sure this wasn't made in america...just kiddin'!
i loved your 55 and the photos were awesome, too. i also enjoyed reading yesterdays post but couldn't help but wonder if you squeezed an extra 93 cents into the silverado just for the sake of a good shot?? i'm just sayin'...
have a good one, g-man :)
I came in late last night and posted my link but I can't find it here so I'll do it again and get it right.
Jennifer and Michael
Larry thanks for reading and your comments.
I'm a little late too so let it be 4012!
so i can still be in
I'm having Internet issues Tonight
Please bear with me!!
I promise that Everyone will be answered...SORRY!!!!!
New Template!
Hahahaha, brilliant! Thanks for making me laugh.
Brian, don't say that! Gman is just painting his house red!
love your new template,
u r becoming more flexible and well rounded ....
have a fun weekend!
Hi Galen! How is the none smoking after 3 months? Does the craving ever go? Mine has decreased dramatically, but it is still there, and i feel i have to stay very vigilant.
ohhhh i think; please one day far away please can i have one just one :). I am very strict and say; Jozien! Never!
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