Awakened by a whisper.
She ravaged him till dawn.
Sated and spent, he drifted into sleep.
When his eyes opened, he was alone again.
Just him and the wet spot.
Good Morning Everybody.
Have a cup of coffee, and please enjoy my offering to...
The Monkey Man and his Sunday 160.
The Rules...A story or poem using EXACTLY 160 characters.
Sort of like a Maxed Out text message.
Hopefully...You will find him...Here
See you for Micro-Monday..
BTW...Me and My Tim Horton's has NOTHING to do with the story!
Am I really first? Two very different pictures. I don't think you need coffee to go with this story, it's steamy enough by itself. Very sexy Mr G.
are those ppl making love at the bottom of the sea?
Ok, so the spot was spilled coffee...I know, I know...
Look, My mind is not in the gutter :P
Oh my. Coffee is not what went thru my mind first. Hmmm very thought provoking.
..i assume you mean the wet spot of coffee...lol
had no idea that a cup of coffee could ravage one like this...maybe i should change my brand...
have a great sunday!
Ahhh, the power of a good Timmies XL. :)
i hate it when i spill my coffee in bed...lol. nice 160 g!
Rollover to a dry spot and do it again. It is Sunday after all.
Oh so naughty yet again. Sigh..........
g-man, i would have been disappointed with anything less than this...it's the g-man at his best!!
oh, my. G, your posts are getting downright racy. I always knew coffee could keep you awake at night, but never expected that.
LOL! You never fail to put a smile on my face Galen!
And look at you with that cup of Timmy's - if I didn't know you were a true Michigan boy, I might have mistaken you for a fellow Canuck!
My imagination was working overtime ;)
HAWT! I detest having to be lumped with the wet spot.
I hate when I spill coffee on the bed. Hard stain to get out. Great 160, G. Thanks for playing.
Is this about coffee or a mermaid? Love it either way.
Alice Audrey...
Actually it's about a Succubus, but I didn't want to depict the Goth version....hehehehe
u hold your coffee cup so high,
no wonder u spilled...
very tricky 160.
your intelligence is unbelievably high!
well, i'm going to comment on the new template. it's groovy! i like it!
Ya know when you drink coffee late at night you can have those wierdy nightmares.
gotta limit that caffeine consumption
nice 160 - G
Moon Smiles
Sounds like a dream worth repeating, G-Man. I haven't been here for a couple of weeks but I like the new look.
whew, you packed a lot in 160.
sleep well,
Fab Di
This is why I don't have coffee in bed. Spots of dog slobber are bad enough.:)
LOVE a good strong cup of java,
Nice, you rock too ...
first a high on caffeine... and then exhausting oneself... and then realizing the loneliness in it all!
Ofcourse, my mind didn't work that way the first time :)
A neat 160!! :)
could have been worse at least he wasnt dunking biscuits!!!1 great 160 cheers pete
when we say EXACTLY "X" number of characters, does that include spaces?
I hate it when people write about me.
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