A Mr. Pete "Road Ratt" Gearhead from Sturgis S.D. asks...'Dear Mr. Knowitall, the other day when I was stopped at a red light, a car pulled up beside me. The windows on the car were rolled down, and a goofy looking fucker looked like he was reading my helmet stickers, as the light turned green he shouted at me..."Gay Ass Mouse", and the car sped off. I was too shocked to say anything back, but it bothered me all day. Do you know why he may have called me that'?
Dear Road Ratt, of course I can!
I'll bet you a six pack of Coors that one of your stickers read.."Ride to Live, Live to Ride" . Am I right? That my Burly friend is called a Chiasmus! It's a little known literary term, and rather than explain it, I'll give you some examples...
JFK.."Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country"!
Lord Byron.." Pleasures a sin, sin's a pleasure".
Mae West.."It's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men" OR "A hard man is good to find"!
'A waist is a terrible thing to mind'
The Bible.."Whoever sheds the blood of man; By man shall his blood be shed".
'There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear"
'Many that are first shall be last; And the last shall be first'
Hemingway...'Man can be destroyed but not defeated' AND ' Man can be defeated but NOT destroyed.
French Proverb.."Love makes time pass; Time makes love pass'
Oscar Wilde..'Work is the curse of the drinking class'..'The English have the miraculous power, of turning wine into water!'
Grouch Marx..'Time wounds all heels'
Kermit the Frog..'Times fun when your having Flies'
A Hangover...'The wrath of grapes'
OK, get the picture? I hope that this clears up any doubt about someone calling you a name Road Ratt...Good Question!!
All of this chiasmusing is making Mr. Knowitall grow weary.
I'll close this out with my favorite one...
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me...Than a frontal lobotomy'!
I bid you Adieu....
ATTENTION: Something is wrong with blogger! Whoever comments after Brian Miller comment #4, they are NOT showing up! Not to me anyway. My comment count shows many more comments than 4, even comments left by me, but they are not showing up! I sure hope that this problem gets solved by Friday...Sorry!~! Grrrrrrrr....
I still don't get it.
I mean, I know the silly expression Gay as Christmas, but it still isn't really making sense to me.
Haha...you really do know-it-all, huh? I've never stumbled across this term before. :)
i cant even spell it...
it's not the days in your life but the life in your days.
TMI! Trying to assimilate all that makes me feel almost like I've already had a frontal lobotomy.:-)
ROFLMAO!! Too funny!!! I've never heard that can you stand it. I'm so glad I learned something new today LOL :)
My head is spinning but I thought all those sayings were hysterical. I think I'm going to fix myself a cocktail. Cheers.
Love is the heart of a woman
A woman is the heart of love
que bueno mi amigo
Wanted to invited any and all poet types to a Poetry Site that several of us are starting (including Brian miller)We will start posting tomorrow at 5pm EST
thanks G for letting me have a PSA on your site
Love is the heart of a woman
A woman is the heart of love
que bueno mi amigo
Wanted to invite any and all poet types to a Poetry Site that several of us are starting (including Brian miller)We will start posting tomorrow at 5pm EST http://oneshotpoetry.blogspot.com
thanks G for allowing my PSA
aren't you sharp this morning...
I wonder if anythings wrong with Blogger. My post shows 6 comments, but I'm only showing 4 in the comment section..Hmmmmmmm
Love it, G-Man! :))
I like them! They are clever...
WOW I never knew that!!
There seems to be a lot of people having problems with comments at the moment. :(
sorry URL http://oneshotpoetry.blogspot.com
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