Hi Everybody...
Blogger sure fucked up big time for a while today eh?
I've had a very busy week so far, and I really didn't have much time to dig thru my treasure trove to find a Retro-Wednesday item to post. As I was just about to Archive something, I glanced up on my wall at work and noticed my Norman Rockwell calender and My nostalgic Chevy Bow Tie Sign. What could be more Retro than that? OK, I know what your thinking, but I can Damn well guarantee that Lawrence Welk is not playing on My PC........... Try Golden Earring...Radar Love!
Happy Humpday.......Peace!!!
("Brenda Lee's coming on strong........)
Radar Love is a little Retro ya know!!!Love the old Chevy sign - my dad used to have all the old tin signs.
Have a great wk
see ya Friday
Yes I am first!!!!
My dad bought me a Chevy Camaro for my first car. It was brand new. I got the chance to pick the color I wanted, blue, and other features.
That was a long time ago, maybe about 1965. I sure loved my dad. :)
Oooo, I love me some Radar Love.;)
Congrats on being first, I do believe you forgot to say.....
You could drive in 65?
You drove when you were 9?
Serena Joy...
"The road has got me hypnotized....
now radar love is pounding in my head. rock on, gman!
what extraordinary realization...
amazing things are at your figure tips, cool post!
Happy Wednesday Ahead!
I'm speeding into a new sunrise...
Rambler station wagon first car I recall as a toddler.
must be old, I can't focus on the second pic, Norman Rockwell you say? where's ,uu reado,g g;asses/////
Radar Love? Never heard of it and I'm old and grey. LOL You know I get a Norman Rockwell calendar every year for subscribing to TVGuide for my mom. File 13 :)
Everyone seems to have been having trouble with Blogger the past few days. :(
nice g-man...like me some radar love....yeah i believe they had quite a few headaches hopefully most are moving on...happy humpday!
who was blogger fucking with ???
Galen ! Our Walking Man 's comment box is back!
Did you see where Spielberg & Lucas get inspiration from Norman...it was on Sunday morning last week. Thanks g, now I have that song in my head...:D
I reckon Blogger is allowed to have an off day now and again like the rest of us. They seem to have straightened out the glitch.
Good post.
Norman! simply adore the calendars,
the paintings, books, museum-he is retro- in away- days gone by, and all.
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