Isn't it CRAZY how gasoline prices have been steadily declining these past two weeks?
Plus I have an extra 3 cents off each gallon with My Kroger card!
I might even burn me some PREMIUM!!!
Something about that price...I just can't figure it out.
See ya tomorrow I hope...:-)
nice. running behind this week...gotta get crackin on my premium...smiles.
how bout a big boo-yah on that yahtzee!
Gas isn't going down *here*, that's for sure. Damn HST. :(
As always, waiting for inspiration to hit...but I'm sure i'll come up with something.
See ya tomorrow, G!
Come over to Hawai'i You'd still be buying regular after July 1. Taxes. Pfft. I'm ready to go :)
Great photo of you..
Betty Ann
you look great
man those prices are way cheaper than around here!
Gas prices are indeed crazy. Just before the holiday, they started falling here. Unheard of!:)
Brian...You deserve it brother!!
Hi ME...You guys have an Imperial Quart, thats bigger!
Thom My Friend...Aren't you from the land of $6.00 peanut butter?
Betty Ann...Missed You Hen!
Hi Trini...Your too close to New York!!
Hi Sherry...
Maybe we live in Bizzaro World!
I heard it's Hot down there..hehehe
I managed to get $4 in my scoot tank today here in Honolulu
Aloha from Waikiki :)
Comfort Spiral
The price of petrol is going up here - it's now £5.23 ($7.50) :(
$2.78 here...
I always thought petrol was a better name than gasoline, which sounds like a diet suppliment that makes you burp away the pounds.
And I mean 'pounds' as in weight, not like "petrol is going up here - it's now £5.23"
(Although British Pounds are being burped away too, when it comes to petrol prices)
You're just trying to make the rest of us jealous, ain't ya'?
Is it me or do you just keep getting better looking every day?
Premium? Now, don't get crazy, G-Man!
your car, can it handle premium? i hope to get a 55 up this week too.
Wow! Our gasoline taxes are so gosh darned high that I don't think we will ever see that level. Good for you Mr. G!
Gas prices go up and down so frequently I can't keep up with it. But I did notice on my last tank I was getting 46 mpg. Woo hoo!
Been wondering the same thing. $2.50 here now. Could it be PR?
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