Camping anyone?
The first lantern was always my favorite because of the Steel Base.
It's a Coleman, and probably from the 50's.
The other lantern is kind of an interesting novelty. It's a Smelt dipping lantern!
Back in the late 40's, Salmonids were first introduced experimentaly into the Great Lakes, since commericial fishing had decimated sport fishing. To feed these fish a feeder fish called a smelt was also introduced.
Eventually the Sea Lamprey killed off the Salmon and most of the native Lake Trout. But the smelt, with no preditors, EXPLODED!!! They became so thick when they ran upstream in the Spring, that you could net a 5 gallon bucket in about 3 dips of a net. For about the next 50 years Smelt Dipping became a Rite of Spring in Michigan.
But with successful Lamprey control, and an agressive hatchery program, the salmon, Steel-Head, and Walleye, have all but made Smelt Dipping disappear.
OK, so you are in a stream, drunk, wearing waders, and holding a net, you are dragging a laundry tub in an innertube to deposit netted smelt, you DO need to see where you are going right???
hehehehe...Smelt Dipping Lantern!!!
It's rare...And of course, they BOTH work.