Stubborn Green-Headed guardian of your sturdy bloodline.
Drake was dead-set against this busy spot to hatch his legacy,
but she would not be swayed!
Once, twice, THREE times the angry upright flightless ones destroyed the nest.
Then...In a blink of an eye, the egg was laid!
The Hen thought...( Fuack You! )
All this Drama happened yesterday at our front entrance.
We tried to hint to the Mallard pair that they should move their nest to safer and wetter territory. But when our back was turned for 5 minutes...BINGO!!!
She laid one egg in the dirt!
This morning, she had rebuilt the nest and was sitting on TWO eggs.
In my experience with ducks, she will probably lay 6 or 7 MORE.
I'm leaving tomorrow at noon for a long week-end, and I'll be on the road for 10 hours or more. So consider this 2 posts in one...
My Thursday Portrait...AND My Friday Flash 55.
If you are reading this Thursday Night or Friday, please remember...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host, from coast to coast...
Have a GREAT Week-End!!!!
Bizness as usual, I'll have my lap-top.
Oh, it's the duck -- and the egg -- TWO eggs! You're gonna be seeing little baby ducks before long. I know all you burly dealership guys will help nurture the little fellows. And don't forget to take baby pictures!:)
AWWWWWWW....are you a ducky gramps now?
Where you at?
That is a fabulous 55. I am so proud of you, taking over the managerial post of Flash Fiction Friday! A better man could not have inherited it.
Have a fun weekend on the road.
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace...
Awesome Galen! Great pics btw :)
birds are determined things even if it is to their detriment. we had songbirds insist year after year on building a nest where our back door would hit it when it was opened.
can't say as i ever saw a duck next though. should be interesting.
safe travels, gman, have fun!
Once mama picks a spot, mama will not be moved!
how cute! will you send some piccies of the little fluffballs??? have a super long weekend!!!
ENjoy the long weekend..hope to get a 55 going soon. I have to attend my annual "Girls Party" this weekend. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing the soft side of you G-Man! And please keep us HENS posted on the babies progress.
Cheeky Ducks! LOL
Great 55 G-man. I hope the ducks are able to hatch their eggs.
Have a great trip and take care. x
Last year we had a bunny give birth a raise about 6 little bunnies- 4ft. from our sliding back door, where my Airedale could have got them(but didn't!)
Cheeky duckers :) Nice post G. Have fun on your travels. Mine's up.
Mine is up.
I always wondered how a duck would drop an F-bomb. Thanks for clearin' that up for me G.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #42: Chapter 34 - Rishtedaar
Take Care G-man!! I don't know anything about ducks, so I'll be interested to know how this all turns out. :)
See you soon!
Just like a woman!!!
I just posted my Friday Flash Fiction 55.
Have a great weekend.
Prayer girl
Aw, that's really sweet.
Lol, I guess she´d made up her mind!
Have a great weekend! :-)
Hey, I´m playing FF55 again! :-)
Nice Flash and pics. I've posted a piece of flash here nestled between the poetry (The Daughter). I've also given you a mention in my Scribblers' News at the end of the post.
Hope your enjoying your trip.
Love the "fuack you"....too funny. And serious enough to really think that perhaps this is what the mamma duck actually said!!!!
My 55 is posted. And as always either use the direct link on top of my Friday post or scroll down below the show n tell.
Have a great weekend.
OK, I'm hooked on the 55! BTW, does the number have any significance? Someone asked on my blog.
The duck eggs happened at our house. We tried to "hide" them, but our cat found them. (Sorry)
Da ducks done good,
My flash 55 is up.
Good luck with the ducks.
Those duck eggs look eatable. We dragons love duck eggs. The world has too many ducks anyway.
Our 55 is done.
That is a stubborn duck. Great 55. I did one.
been a while ... words just won't come... but i gave her a shot anyway...
If it walks like a 55 and quacks like a 55, it must be a 55, right?
Good one!
My 55 is up for the week too.
I posted my second 55 today.
ok, mr knowitall. there's one up that should appeal especially to you.
Nice pics !! Hope the ducks do just fine :)
my try @ 55 fiction :
How darn cute is that...your gonna be a duckgrandparent to some duck babies...ummm ducklings. Have a great weekend. As usual I'll catch up with you all in my tomorrow. :))
thats so sweet!
did they move the egg
to make the nest?
i think they just love
being near you.
ps, you've had experience
with ducks?
have a jolly groovy weekend!
Hope you'r having a good time.
Mine's up. :)
Oh, Galen...
I simply LOVED this.
Take care of your eggs.
And have fun on your trip, my dear Bud.
And Ha! @Mojo
Jazzy, I know, right?
Thanks for the flash 55 concept. Mine is at my site today.
just got mine posted, you'll see why it took so long, thanks for inviting me to play, I almost forgot it was Friday!!
Cool! Soon have babies. Spring is in the air.
Mine is up! Donnetta
Oh keep me posted on the delivery G I wanna see the babies how cool? Great post. My 55 is up
Cute post!
Call me wordy - this post has 55 x 2.
this is the egg laying season..Spring...
I hope you have a good time!
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