Virgil was a strange fellow with very unusual pets.
His favorite pet was a centipede named Ralph!
One day he asked Ralph...
"Hey, you wanna grab a beer"?...No answer.
He asked again...
"Ralph, you wanna have a brewski"?...Silence.
Ralph screamed back....
"I heard you the first time, I'm puttin my shoes on"!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday 55, please come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!!!
Have a Great Week-End everybody...
LOL. That Ralph's a scream. With my shoe habit, it's a good thing I'm not a centipede, huh?:-)
I think I heard that one before. But it's still funny as hell. And in 55 words too!
What time is it anyway?
Time for this week's 55!
I'm outta town this weekend folks, and cut off from the interwebz for a coupla days. So enjoy and I'll see ya soon!
I think you are going to love a centipeedess ...because she has so many feet! :D
that's funny, Mona...!
Ack! Climbs onto a chair.
No muffin top...bad boy. Sit down and behave. Now.
Havent written my 55 yet.
hahaa! Cute!
When I was little, my parents took my sister and I on a cave tour (Carlsbad Caverns, I think), and my sister kept freaking out and asking the tour guide about critters we might encounter, especially snakes and spiders. And the guide assured us that the ambient temperature inside the cavern was too low for cold-blooded creatures... so my sister points at the wall of the cave and asks, "Then what's that doing here?" It was a centipede about the size of Ralph.
Yay for 55s!
I can't do centipedes...
Groan. Hopefully there were loafers or he will be there all day tying all the shoelaces.
Great little story! :-D
lordy, shoelaces are the mystery of my son's universe. i hope ralph is more efficient with his!
oh yeah, i'm up too
This cracked me up, G! I needed that this morning.
Here is my 55.
Borderline Punny... :)
Hi Everybody!!!
I got up late today and I have a morning meeting that I must be very prompt for, so I will be answering all 55's when I get home.
Be patient, It'll get done today!
lol, that was a great 55, G-man. Mine is finally up. :D
Hopefully they were those velcro sneakers, cause tying all those shoes is gonna take a week!
I played as well, G-Man.
haha mr. g :) i'm finally up thanks to missy.
LOL that's a cracker!! :)
Oh oh oh oh oh! Very funny, Galen! I get it.
My 55 is now up!
Ralph is a scary little "pet"
I am writing again.
Were you at the game? Looks like the quarterbacks better just hand off more... Spread offense needs better blocking to give those guys some time..
hahahahaha - that's cute. ;-) I was up on Friday, but was out of town so now I'm finally letting you know. :)
Q: what makes G man Love the color Magenta ?
A: because it sounds like Yenta!
HEHEHEHE back at ya!
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