Monday, February 4, 2008

Maudlin Monday........

Hi everybody...Well after all the hype, it's now over for another year! So much for History and perfection!! As I said yesterday, I went to a great party at my friend Mike DeMoss's bar named Mo-Doggies. MD...get it?...OK.

This is me outside the bar

The next pic is my friend Paulies world famous liver pate' shaped into a football

And last but not least..Mo Doggie!!

So Much for Super-Suck Sunday!!! I can't dilly-dally too much today, I need to prepare for another food-fest tomorrow...Oh? You may have forgotten?????


MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laissez Les Bon Temps Roullez!!!!!

" Let the Good Times Roll"



lime said...

sigh.....last night was a heartbreak..

i need to get ready for tomorrow too.

Charles said...

Woo hoo. The favorites lost! Now maybe the world can get on with life. I really didn't care (and still don't) who won. I think its a good thing when the underdog wins, though. Especially if you bet on them (I don't bet, BTW.)

Little Wing said...

Great pictures!
Do people really EAT liver patte???
GAG gag!!!!!

javajazz said...

i love new yorrrrrrrk!
(sorry, i know nothing
about football...)
but you sure look cute
G-party boy...

javajazz said...

ps how's your knee,
and whatcha all got
hangin' on that ear?
have fun partying!

Cha Cha said...

If you're posting more food pics, Galen, I'll have to come here a bit more prepared tomorrow.... with an extra pair of panties.

Hope your leg is getting back to tip-top shape!


SignGurl said...

What the hell did I miss about your leg?

Strumpet and I can't control ourselves when it comes to good food.

LMAO at JavaJazz wanting to tasteyourdip. What a sweet double entendre!

Mona said...

Galen? are you kicking liver around?

I would too

I Hate Liver! Like little Wing gag gag!!!

G-Man said...

Limey..I hate the Giants
Missy..Too bad it wasw a good game
Charles..I don't bet either
LW..Yes they do
JJ..Big Apple This
Lisa..The knee is fine Thank You for asking!
Strumpet..The knee is a tad better, thanks
Sign..I popped my knee out..

hey everybody, I know This is a hose out but I am very tired tonight..

Cha Cha said...

Okay, it's either 'fine' or it's a 'tad better.'

Which is it?

This is a very confusing hose for us concerned lovers of Galen.


Just be better.
