I'm sure that one would like to think that as a child
growing up, the adults in charge of your life and formulative
years, gave you the "CORRECT" information and told you the
truth! But were you ever told that Chocolate gave you Zits?
I thought so! Were they lying to keep you from becoming
a Sugar Freak? Or were THEY misinformed by THEIR parents?
Just Asking....
And another question; Did your Mom ever attack you with her two
Pincer-Like thumb nails and pop your black heads against your will?
Just Asking....
All this gross question asking is making Mr. Knowitall grow weary...
Bon Soir Mes Amis.
Yes Mom lied about chocolate, and did embarrassing things like taking me to buy my first bra, she whipped my jacket open to the sales clerk and asked, what size does she need? Zits was the least of my worries. I'm a Mom now of three girls, we use the code name "buying shoes", I try to be sensitive to my angst ridden teens.
she didn't lie to me about chocolate but like christine, i remember that trip to buy a first bra.....mortification plus!
Way TMI..!!!!!
ewww...omg christine...
i did not have a first bra buying trip....
It took me YEARS to correct all the "information" I was given during my formative years.:)
I was given the chocolate/zits connection, but I don't take it as having been lied to; I'm sure my mom really thought it was true. I mean, chocolate is kinda oily, right?
Mercifully, neither my mom nor my sisters ever took after my zits (my kids are fascinated by those 'zits-from-hell videos. . .)
My wife sent me out to buy her a bra exactly once. I did as I was asked, but told her in no uncertain terms that I wouldn't be doing that again. . . I'd rather buy maxi-pads. . .
Naw mom would never had lied to me...really? But of course she did lol and no she didnt pop the black heads I did that all on my own she however did yell at me to stop doing that as they would surely leave scars some did some didnt.she was more into sucking in your gut cause no guy wants a woman with a rounded tummy that makes them look preggers. I never quite got it sucked in but I managed to catch Mr Gab any ways. fyi Im back to blogging almost daily
Well let's face it all parents lie - they tell you Santa is real! LOL
I've always refused to believe any negative information about chocolate!
I think they were mis-informed. Mot that my mother ever told me that. But I always had clear skin and I ate a lot of chocolate. But thanks to Christine and Lime for a first bra-buying flashback. Yeesh.
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