The Cycle Returns.
Your ONLY hope for Relief?
A Silver Bullet!!!

Odiferous Hut.
Fiberglass Purgatory...
Heavenly Relief!
Full Moon Tonight...Be Careful!
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Sensational Haiku Wednesday!
This weeks Theme is...Relief!
Not sure I get that, but
2 different versions of the full moon eh?
Two Haikus with relief in it.
I don't think that it matters if there is a full Moon when you use a Porta-Potty!
Full moon? That explains the crazy people at work. Saving my relief theme for this friday's 55.
full moon? so glad I'm not at work tonight then, the babies grow fangs when there's a full moon! ...your second haiku cracked me up-perfect prose for a port-a-potty ;)
There are so many ways to spell relief :)
It's cloudy here so the wolves haven't started howling just yet...but I have my bullets ready just in case!
just dont light a match...
is it wrong to write about portapotties and moons together?
I know there were many many times I was glad for those green plastic porta potties! Let me tell you a little story....Guys wont relate but woman will.....we have 3 different routes to our farm in South Dakota. 2 are supplied with many cities and bathrooms along away, the one however right up the middle as we call it is sparse. and the few gas stations we have on this route are the type who close at 6pm EVERY NIGHT! men you know have no problems they pull over make sure there is no traffic and go. We gals on the other hand need just a little more. So when you see one of those Porta-potties sitting on a work sight you are happier that a cat on a hot tin roof. I of course have now figured out how to go along side of the road but heaven help me I prefer those darn green some times smelly porta potties to the side of the road. The guys can go ahead and moon everyone I prefer not to
Hi G!
Remind me of that song by Ozzy 'Bark at the Moon'
What a relief! ;)
two paradoxes!
one relief in death,
the other bearing one relief to loose another, ew!
nice job & 2 this week!
neat haiku ~ strong energy ~ namaste, carol
Hee hee...two moon haiku! Good ones.
Ah, anything with a werewolf is good by me.
i think i'd rather take the bullet....
{{waving}} hi, G! hope you're having a good week! see you by Friday. {smile}
Love visiting you for a chuckle! I especially enjoyed that second one.
LOL - :D
Great poems - the second was super funny.
What do you know, Mr. Knowitall?
Purgatory? I think not.... they are HELL!
What's a haiku without potty humour, right? haha :) Two great takes on theme!
Nice set of haiku. Well done.
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