(What Goes Thru That Boy's Mind?)
The T-Mobile chick!
Really Really young.
Cute dress!
Pale skin.
Nice shoes, she accessorizes well!
Does she paint her nails?
A bit bow legged...(Who cares eh?)
Bare toes...!!
Knobby Knees
I read somewhere that she's 5'5".
She's too innocent for a thong...
Stop it Geester.!!
Get your mind out of the..the....Bare Toes?
8:00 PM Thursday EST...!!!!!
i dunno what you are talking about...nice undies though...
And I thought the dress pattern was just to signal folks with when her phone wouldn't work. ;)
I haven't seen the T-Mobile girl. She's cute. She'd look cute in that other outfit, too! :)
I suppose it could have been worse. You could have been reflecting on Lady GaGa.
I'll be out on the tiles with the spouse later, so my boss is coverin my tail and linkin me in. I warn you, I'm not very cheery this time of year--it's my Nordic heritage of Scandinavian Winter Brooding.
ah she'll belong to at&t soon anyway
This is great, G-Man! She really has a captivating presence. I read that she and the guy who plays Mayhem in the insurance ads (his name is Dean Winters...yes, I Googled him) have generated tons of interest and fans.
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