Now that school has started, I had expected
the Friday 55's to pick up a bit. But 2 out
of the last 3 Fridays have only had 32 players!
I'm wondering if there is some sort of Bad Ju-Ju
afoot? I guess I'll endeavor to persevere, and hope
that people get their Muse back.
See You tomorrow....Maybe?
Pbbbffft! Some of us have been trying to get into a settled routine, you know! Maybe Friday would be a good time to get a 55 in. Who knows. Maybe is all you're gonna get from me right now. Love ya, G!
um, yahtzee?
well, I'm addicted! :) See ya Friday! :)
school? What grade you in?
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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i will toss a chicken bone for you tonight...
you will be my last stop before i head out on a secret rendevous with the wife for her birthday...
Muses are fickle beings, aren't they?
I am trying to write.. who knows how it will end up...
It is a challenge to keep going...hope you persevere ~
55 ways to ...
see ya Friday G!!!
erm yeah.. hope to be back tomorrow :)
I am not as nice as you G...I would have stuck at least 55 pins in that thing and as the 55's come in one at a time I would remove a pin. I mean seriously if your going to be the who do that do voodoo then do the who's not doing the you do.
No Voodoo please, unless it is toward good-Will try to play and do look forward to it; thanks!
I'm still exhausted from last Friday!
G-Daddy, I got a hot one cooking up for tonight. Just hope I have Internet at 7:00 EST to post.
And BEST photo of you ever. What I love is behind that guy "somewhere on a Michigan highway, with silver mustache flying in the air," is a great teacher, poet and friend.
Love and life are good!
I mean 7:00 CST, of course.
But, actually if I have my blogging sh@# together, I'll be posting at my favored time 5:55 pm CST.
Wait -- I CAN say shit on this blog.
ONLY 32? Some people would be over the moon with that!:)
I'm back in the saddle this week, G-Man. (Already posted it even, but I'll come back later for your official Friday post.
Mine's gonna be up later this time, Big G--I'm reclining with a FUBAR back and a dazed mind tonight, but I'll have something for ya tomorrow because I need to have a kickass weekend, and I just couldn't without the HooDoo Man fully okaying it.
I didn't understand what's a bad ju-ju? What do you mean?
Excellent stuff from you, man I have read your thighs before and you are just too awesome.
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