Tired of college basketball being on 30 stations 24/7 ?
Tired of NO FOOTBALL ?
Tired of Fran Dresher's Nanny reruns ?
Grab the Eggs!!
Now, let's celebrate The Vernal Equinox the way the Dutch do!
Balance an egg on it's end (It's much easier today ya know)!
Chug a Beer.
Drive or walk to the nearest Dike and check closely for cracks.
Hide a Jewish Family in your attic.
Take the balanced Egg and scramble it into some
Buttered Schnitzle!!!!
That should take care of any lingering Winter Ennui...
(That IS a pic that I took today....)
An entire family? okay....
.. now don't you be trashing my basketball fun. It only happens once a year! Eggs-actly!
this is my favorite time of year...so i will do all the above...while watching basketball....
Science, history and culinary arts all rolled into one. Very nice.
Um, I cracked an egg, used the egg white and whipped up some cinnamon pecans which will be done in 3 minutes. They'll be followed by toasted, salted pecans.
Which will be followed by me SHELLING MORE pecans! Man, the trees overdid it this year!
we did have eggs for breakfast...twist my arm, I'll have a beer tonight!
can i use my crawl space since i don't have an attic?
The vernal equinox is a gardening day for me. Seems only fitting.
Hope your first day of spring was spectacular, Galen!
Who doesn't love a little egg fun :)
No attic, no eggs. No beer. But I took care of the dike thing. It's all good. No worries.
On it.
I like the sound of the beer - I have to be in the mood for eggs. ;)
really? That is a picture? I thought it was something else :)
How apt! I was just beginning to yawn at my blog and what do I come and see here! You do know how to read minds!
Galen! I LOVE boiled eggs!
oh and then there is ;;;; SPRING cleaning, which in my life means throw out half the junk, file the rest with labels so the clan can find it when I've run off with Spring Fever,
what was that you said, Mr. Fever?
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