POP QUIZ...!!!!
College English 102, circa 1969.
The topic was Semantics....
1st. Question: Explain the difference between Kinky and Perverted.
(Thinking a moment, he jots down.....)
Kinky, is tickling your girlfriend's ass with a feather.
Perverted, is using the whole chicken!
(Mr. Haynes eventually passed the class...The SECOND time around!)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash Fiction 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most perinkyest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
hahaha...the whole chicken...i could see that putting her in a fowl mood...
i am up..
A bit before the Kinsey Report, I think? :)
Oh, gosh, Brian. what a groaner, but funny!
Mine's Here.
Hehe! Nice one G. Have a great weekend. Mine's up!
ROFL So which came first? The chicken or... well never mind.
Mine's up:
”His Break”
Posting again with a hyperlink.
Mr. Knowitall is a star in my post.
Inspired by Lisa
Mr. HayNes??? Could this just coincidence?
My 55 is HERE.
Ha--sounds like the prof was a bit hen-pecked, and definitely a post-vert.
Mine honors a rather more sinister creature:
Orca, Straight Up
Harumph. He should have passed the firs time.
Mine is up
Here is mine:
through the gaps
Oh, G-Man! You are a riot!
india is coming (pun intended) at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/04/india-is-coming-pun-intended.html
That English class sounds a lot more interesting than mine ever was.:)
Huh. I would have thought you'd get BONUS marks for such an astute observation. But hey, maybe your prof had a thing for whole chickens and took offence?
Happy (almost) Friday, G!!
PS - Mine's up...
Even the government knew a good thing "A chicken in every pot..."
goodness G what didnt' you learn in school?
Happy Friday all and thanks Mr Know something
Jannie Funster (comment) mentioned the Kinsey Report...I thought this was the KINKY REPORT! But good! But Good!
Mr. G-Man!!!
Tonight my inspiration is HERE
disturbing is doing the chicken instead of your girlfriend...
i played along too and talked about what disturbs me here
I don't mind being tickled with chicken nuggets as long as they're dipped in sweet-hot chili sauce first.
That stuff is awesome.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
well played humor,
very visual and vivid imagery...
here is My 55
Hey - what if you're ticklish like me???
Mine's here and dedicated to you. Wait. Don't I say that every week?
I knew about the cock.. ;)
But chicken.. well!
This is some weirdo idea G-man.. haha
My Life Song
Wishing you a kinky weekend..
lol! Honestly, what's with these professors? Mr. Haynes obviously had a good grasp of the subject matter -- and hopefully a good grasp on the chicken too! ;)
My 55: Loose Change
I'm with Brian
you find mine
ha ha.. I loved this 55 G-Man.. After a long time here is mine, I saw
Someone is Special
Well, they say if you don't know what it is, it's chicken, lol.
You'll find mine here.
Fun, chuckle-worthy work. =)
Here's mine.
OMG! And also wasteful. There's good eating on a chicken! :)
I'm up here
Tell me you didn't!!!! LOL
Mine's up - my 55 that is!
Who can resist either chicken, or a 55? Mine's HERE
Ha, G-man! Mine's not nearly as clever! But you'll find it here.
I see an April fool was he.
I would like to say, I haven't been playing lately due to taking a fab vacation in the warm Bahama's as a writer I guess I can write my own story, but the truth be told, I had too much work going on -- SIGH, but I do have an offering the rest of the weird words I came across all for you,G-man
If I can get it together later in the day I will try & post a 55. joanny
9. Mungo
A dumpster diver – one who extracts valuable things from trash
10. Nihilarian
A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).
11. Nudiustertian
The day before yesterday
12. Phenakism
Deception or trickery
13. Pronk
A weak or foolish person
14. Pulveratricious
Covered with dust
15. Rastaquouere
A social climber
16. Scopperloit
Rude or rough play
17. Selcouth
Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful. For example: The List Universe is such a selcouth website!
18. Tyrotoxism
To be poisoned by cheese
19. Widdiful
Someone who deserves to be hanged
20. Zabernism
The abuse of military power or authority. I wonder how long it will take for this one to show up in the comments.
I'm up, believe it or not.
Particularly nice weather we're having, wouldn't you say? :)
(Kudos to anyone who gets THAT obscure reference!)
I'm up! Like Thunder
if at first you don't succeed, get a turkey
Peace, hp
Here 'tis:
Kinky is using the whole chicken
Perverted is cooking and eating it afterwards.
Ha ha ha! And possibly illegal in a few states! Very funny G-Man!
Mine is not so funny: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/04/perspective-tweaks-and-mixed-metaphors/
i love how your mind works, i guess that is why i keep coming back...
hey i got one up too!!
Wonder of wonders- Here I come just to be sociable- and you challenge me to be in some sort of compliance...I remember my downfalls thanks-not-at-all...
Have a good week!
LOL@ Lime
Walking man, it was kinky & perverted back THEN in 1969. You are talking of today's upped standards! :D
brilliant.. rock on! ... & watch out for the fools..
Little Lion Man
I'm late to the party...again! I guess better late then never but you might disagree after reading my groaner located HERE
Thought I would come play too! Mine is up...
dang, super fresh!
Yucky! The whole chicken! Mine better be BBQ!
I'm at:
Better late than never..here we go..
Happy weekend :)
better late than never, mine is up HERE
you are kinky in a perverted way,
Fab Di
my next cat will be named burqua! Thats hilarious.
Yes, Gupta it is.
Thanks for the hugs, Gman!
At least I have one kitty, I need one at all times.
Have a great weekend.
I think that's more the difference between silly and perverted.
Your 55 this week leaves me speechless (or grossed out... maybe both...! :)
I FORGOT to enter this gem:
My entry
Ha ha. That was cool. My first time here. I never realized 55 fiction could be humorous as well.
My 55 Fiction can be found here
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