She was a Goddess!
She was more of a Skank.
A Skanky Goddess!!
You know the type.
Deep piercing eyes...Set a little too close together.
Blondish-Brownish hair, heavily sprayed with Wind Song.
Or maybe Tabu?
No....Wind Song!
Anyway, her lips smelled of Salem Lights...
But tasted like Jack and Coke.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
hmmm she sounds sizzling g...in an intersting kinda way...maybe...lol...nice 55
mine is up
wow...finally again...yahtzee!
Hmm. We don't have those here in the barnyard. Looks a little flashier than the skunks we do get. My human has a 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/a-watched-feeling/
LOL ...that last line is over-the-top. Still laughing. Very revealing details.
Here's mine
To Ruins
Glad my olfactory senses aren't too sharp - what a gal!!
Thanks for the weekly fun Mr G we appreciate what you do!
Mismatched pair
Happy Friday y'all
Like kissing an ash tray. Lovely (he emotes with dripping sarcasm). Looks like Charlie Sheen's kinda girl.
My 55 is HERE.
"Well.....Kinda"...best line
you had me at Jack
my words
Blond with brown at the roots, maybe?
Mine is here.
Goddesses are EVERYWHERE this week, G-man!
Mine is about DESIRE
she's charming in a contagious sort of way...
now where did i leave the lysol?
i played too here
"Well.....Kinda"...best line
you had me at Jack
my words
Great read!!!
wow...2 times and my comment isn't here...third is a charm?
you had me at Jack
Good write, made me laugh. I seriously have dated a woman like that, just prior to her going full-blown slutty (I write this in the most respectful way, as I'm still friends with her.)
Here's my 55.
Thanks again, for hosting this. :)
Awww, G-Man! You paint such a flattering portrait of me!
Mine will be up in the morning.
you had me at Jack
oh yea...
Peace, hp
my words
Hahaha! It's funny, I was a smoker for many, many years. But since quitting (5 years ago, yay me!), I am *so* judgemental of those with the habit. Nothing worse than a reformed smoker. :)
Mine's up too. Happy (almost) Friday!
... I'm coughing on my side of the computer!
I didn't have time to do a "story" 55, but what do you know ... a poem I wrote that is kind of a story turned out to be EXACTLY 55 words! This 55 thing is worming it's way into my brain, I think...
My 55
So, I guess her windsong has stayed on your mind? But unfortunetly the jack and coke too? :)
Mine's scheduled to post at 5:55 Texas time, tomorrow morning. SO you can comment on mine, then zip right over to Mama Z's for 6:00!!
I love how you had to take a moment to make sure it was really Wind Song. :)
Charlie Sheen would be proud.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
cool 55
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Skanks are the bane of my existence. They're everywhere!:-)
Hmmmm Um I think I've met her before.
Sudden Drop
Tabu? Wind Song?? I haven't heard of those scents in years, but somehow just reading their names, I can smell them!
"Set a little too close together" - that had me laughing out loud, Galen!
My 55 is: Puppy Love
Why are you talking about my girlfriend like that? heh. heh.
This 55 thing is lots of fun. So here's my contribution for the second week in a row:
I clocked my days
Wow, Tabu and Wind Song, I haven't smelled those in years...but Jack, I've had in the last week!
Mine is at:
Quite a gal.
You'll find mine here.
Someone you know? She looks like a bit of a challenge. ;)
My 55 are up on my new writing blog.
Your type or not??
Tabu? I love that!
well... that is the real type!
The smell and all..
Here I am with one 55er for G MAN!!!
and nice weekend!
My favorite. what could be better than a skank with a full pack of Salem Lights and a half bottle of jack and some nose candy to follow it with?
Oh, I don't even know where to begin with this one...so rich...which Jack and Coke...which hair...which lips...and Salem? And it's Women's History Month. OK, I'll stop now.
Here's mine, inspired by my son's vomiting bouts: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/03/releasing-certainty-welcoming-possibility/
Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
"A little to close together" ha ha!
My 55 - Rockets and Wings - is up here
Oh boy...be careful with her ...she hisses. Mine is up G. Have a good one.
Ah yes, the girl who got all the boys, yet ended up alone when she was 40. :)
Mine's up. No, it's not grumpy. It's truthful. Well, okay, I did just have to fill up the gas tank.
Have a great weekend!
So you had fun ;)
I meant writing this ...
My post : Imagine that
May you have more of her...er writing about her...
Here is mine:
a book in which I am contained
Very descriptive. Every man's dream? ha-ha ;)
Mine is here at Roses to Rainbows
Jack n Coke- will try this the next time.. Only my eyes are not set that close- hair color a perfect match- lolss
Here's my 55
Happy Endings
Fun weekend to all
Oops,lets try that again. Must have been bedazzled by your girlfriend.
Ah romance is in the air...
You got yourself a pretty hot catch there G ;)
Good luck with that. I am sliding into Friday over here
When you're hot you're hot--except when you're not, but ladies of that stripe are seldom lonely.
Sorry not to contribute this week--my dog has (no. not eaten my poetry) yanked my back out in an attempt to chase the neighbors poultry whilst I was hanging on to her for dear life to prevent the carnage. I'm going back to the heating pad, but I will come out and play with y'all next week.
I have known manny a skanky Goddess here in Texas. I dont know if I am proud or scared of taht but oh well lol. My attempt is up. It is my first forray into the 55 so I hope its worthy.
Picture perfect.
So glad to be getting back to this. Mine is up.
she looks hot,
what a brilliant 55.
here is my 55
You've got quite a nose, G-Man.. lol!! :) You had me at Jack and Coke though... hehhe... umm.. maybe a rum n coke for moi! :)
Quite a skank there... hhee... ooops! I meant quite a hottie there! :)
Here's my muted applause for ya this week... whheeww!
Skank or not, have an awesome weekend! My 55 is up....
Sounds fun..thought I'd have a shot..harder than it first seems so be gentle :)
I don't know - I don't think I'd like the male equivalent of a smoking, plastic-breasted woman.
i like the woman you describe!
i'm in! it's been so long
Skank is one of those words. Sometimes there isn't another word.
My 55 is up.
Hairdressing hanky-panky HERE.
Have a great weekend, G-Man!
haha..sorry I used your picture for my 55..I thought it was the prompt :)
Will do better next time now I know the only prompt is the number of words :)
sounds like an ash tray...
I'm a day late and kinda new; please be kind. Here is mine: http://reaper282.blogspot.com/2011/03/fff-55-vol-vii-parting.html
Nice one G-man, you are the master! :-) I´m playing this week too. Will be a good girl and write my next one soon, so I won´t miss next week!
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