Mr. Knowitall had a very long and busy day at work, and will return next week with TMI Tuesday's..."Ask Mr. Knowitall"!
But for today, I have something different planned for you Loyal Faithful, that may choose to share....
In 1970, One of the jobs I had while working my way through college, was working at the local YMCA's Business Man's Club. One of the 'perks' of working there was a free membership to the facilities. Late one Saturday night about an hour from closing time, I was sitting in the steam bath with just a towel wrapped around me, just sitting and sweating and cleansing my pores mind you, when in walks Dom DeLuise...Naked as a Jaybird! He was in town for a local stage production for The Starr Theater, and they gave them a free temporary BMC Membership from the Chamber of Commerce.
Anyway...We were just sittin and sweatin and chillin, when I asked him; "Hey Dom..? You were on The Dean Martin Show, did you ever....You Know? Make it with any body famous?" He looked at me with a sardonic grin and said..."I once banged the maid of Sally Anne Howes!"
I'm telling you I laughed for 45 minutes.
Have any of you ever had a brush with a celebrity?
If yes....Please share.
Thanks for visiting, see you tomorrow...
I can't say I ever had an actual brush with a celebrity. Someone from my past may remember otherwise. So goes my memory.....
Being a "Loyal Faithful" I didn't mind your changing up your Tuesday offering. Nice!
I don't think I've ever had a brush with celebrity. The thought of Dom DeLuise naked makes it hard to think, though.:-)
worked stage crew and security for a couple bands...and eric estrada goes to my *bux when he is in town
The only brush I had was seeing Jim Nabors walking om the beach here in Honolulu. Hey how did "bang" get it's meaning? Cracked me up. Happy Monday.
Yep - I'm the moon I see them from the night sky all the time.
Before the 49ers had their first Super Bowl victory in the 80s, most of them came to the bank where I worked. They were so desperate for fans they would ask us to come to the clubhouse - down the street.
Gotta love them Niners!
Oh yes a plug for this season my football friends
Funny that Dom got as far as the maid...the swain that he was.
The only famous person I have ever met and talked with for more than a minute passing was Jack Kervorkian.
I've never been in an intimate situation with a celebrity but I have met a few. ;)
I did witness Yvonne Chaka-Chaka taking a pee
that is awesome. one time my girlfriend and i went to the KLSX Classic Rock Expo in LA and we got to me Robbie Krieger of the Doors and while in line she goes, Suzie look it's the guy! i said what guy, she said the guy from less than zero!! i said Robert Downey Jr.? she said no the bad one. James Spader?!? she pointed him out in a green trench coat and fedora!! We went up to him to ask for his autograph and instead i asked for his phone number!!
another time at the Lakers game we lost to the portland trailblazers and were walking on the court and my friend goes Theres Diane Cannon!! I go Where? she was right next to me and i didn't even know it. she is a real short itty bitty gal. like 5'5 or something, maybe a bit taller but not nearly as tall as me. and so i said he and she started to talk to us about the game and how the couch should have done this and that and my friend was so star struck he goes, nice game huh? nice game huh? that was all he could get out!!
i would make a great paparazzi, i used to follow them all around hollywood!!
Red Wing Darren McCarty once held the door open for me at the gas station. That's about the only 'celebrity interaction' I've ever had so far. (Guess I don't travel in the same circles - surprise, surprise)
I think Dom would be hysterical naked or not, I met the writer for Bob Hope. HE had stories to tell...
I think Dom would be hysterical naked or not, I met the writer for Bob Hope. HE had stories to tell...
Well G, you know from an earlier blogpost that Adali Stevenson gave me peck on the cheek when I was a baby.
Is that why he lost? :D
One time I was on a date in NYC and my date left me to wait in line for tickets while he parked the car...so, all of a sudden I see Art Garfunkel walking right past me and he's with another man and they both stop on the corner to chat and I'm stuck in line...want to ask for autograph, but didn't want to lose my place in line!
Another time I was at a Harry Chapin concert and when it was over we were heading out and all of a sudden there was Harry...I was about to ask for his autograph when a couple of people wheel a guy up on a stretcher. He's in a full body cast and they wanted Harry to sign it...I felt silly hanging around, so I never got that autograph! :(
no real brush with celebrity here.
roger daltrey - i worked backstage catering at an outdoor concert venue. two other girls and i were setting up a function while mr daltrey sunbathed nearby.he didn't talk to us, but he was close enough to hear us talk. later on that evening at dinner, pete townsend stood 3 feet away from me at the beginning of my buffet line, while i carved.
james taylor - same venue, this time i was cooking burgers and dogs and chicken for a small function for the prize winners of a local radio station. mr taylor actually made an appearance at the party, and chatted up the guests. on his way back to his dressing room, he came up to me and thanked me for my work. he was very gracious and kind. that kind of thing always made me feel like my work was imortant.
david crosby - at the same concert venue, i spent all day cooking a zillion turkeys. (total pain in the a$$) that night at dinner, i served mr crosby and his mrs. when he was finished he stood and called to me,"that was the best turkey dinner i've ever had!" that made my day!
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