What a lovely and weird couple they made.
Even years after their break-up, it still irks me that Frickin BILLY BOB THORNTON was tappin Angelina Jolie!!!
He must have some sort of "deformity"...if you catch my drift.
Oh the reason for this 'Guest Portrait' in the first place, is that This month Billy Bob celebrated a Birthday! He was born August of 1955. So, according to my calculations that makes him.....?
Help me out here folks...hehehehe.
AND.....My Friday Thing is ready to roll.
Hows about YOU?
See Ya tomorrow....Peace!!!
Where is everybody???
They must know how important it is for me to be able to tell g-man YAHTZEE! :)
Well, they make a pretty good lookin' couple, but are they as good lookin' as your portrait??? Just sayin'......
My 55 has not yet been conceived.
They say '55 was a good year. I don't know who "they" are. Or what makes them experts.
nice. a subtle reference this week...the whole blood ina vial thing was creepy...
What happened to Brad? He het the deep 55? LOL Mines ready. See ya Friday.
I think you forget the Angelina is a bit nuts and that would explain the whole Billy Bob thing. he'd be 54 depending on what day in August he was born,
Angelina likes her men odd or oddly deformed
That was just one of Angelina's 55 personalities.
My 55 is waiting on the precipice.
Oh I don't know, he's kinda attractive. ;)
Don't forget about their matching necklaces with a dried sample of the other's blood inside - classy stuff!
a weird couple they did make.
i'll try to make it tomorrow--no promises!!!
Let's all say it together, Children, so the G-Man can hear it: 55!
Deformity??? Ah-ha-ha!
I LOVED Slingblade.
Some calls it a Kaiser blade, but I calls it a slingblade...
Freaking AWESOME flick, so glad the bad guy got slungbladed in that.
And biscuits always remind me of that show.
See you soon!!
uber weird. then again i think she and brad are weird too.
Interesting bit of trivia, there G-man. I think I will refrain from making a further comment.
My 55 is posted.
55!! oh i get it!!
I think they look cute together. More so than the pious expressions on her face when she brings yet another third world child home.
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