Belgium magazine "KNACK" reported Tuesday...
German Dictator Adolph Hitler probably had Jewish and African Ancestry!
DNA testing results revealed a form of "Y" chromosone found in relatives of Hitler, though rare in Germany, are common among Jewish and North African communities!!
Among saliva samples taken, were from local decendants Saul Hitler, and Herbie Hancock Hitler!
If you or anyone you know is related to Hitler
Or wrote a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Non-Aryan host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week End!!!
Great 55 G. Rare form aren't we!!! Moon Smiles here
That would be such poetic justice for the world's ultimate bigot. My 55 is HERE .
Another Great 55 G-Man! Read about this this week. Not sick this week so I will visit everyone tonight and tomorrow :)
55 Flash Fiction Friday: Time Out
Got any "Soul Glow," baby??
My 55 can be witnessed HERE xo to our host, and all!
Well, you just never quite know, do ya? Serves Hitler right, really.
Mine is here.
Snort! Rare form indeed!
Mine's here.
I knew there was something fishy about that Hancock guy.
Couple of weeks ago my girlfriend joined my son and I in a father-son bonding moment. Usually moving furniture up 3 flights of stairs in 100° heat is something I'd consider most onerous. Okay, so I still did consider it onerous. But it was onerous in a fun kind of way.
Truth stranger than fiction...
Here's mine: CAPTAIN
I don't think he's any relation to me...lol. Hi G-daddy, I've missed being part of the 55's. Good to be back. Have a wonderful weekend.
LOL. brilliant. I can't stop laughing at this. Mine is up HERE. You old dawg you. Have a great weekend.
I thought the evidence that Hitler had Jewish relatives had been known pretty much all along?
Oh, that picture! That is just too funny!
I'll get mine up in the morning.
May his rotten soul roll over in whatever very hot place it currently resides. :)
My 55 is up.
ha. now wouldn't that be ironic bit of justice...
and yo i made it back to say
mine is up!
i'll get back on schedule and be a good boy next week...smiles.
beautiful 55.
Mine is up!
thanks for reading IT!
Hmm...I thought I'd heard this before, too. Not about the "Y" chromosome stuff, but that he was part Jewish.
An interesting post, g-man! I wish I could say the same for my own, but that muse of mine...Bah! She apparently wasn't talking to me today! For what it's worth, mine is HERE ...
His descendants were pretty brave to admit being related to him. It would seem to be true that the entire human race is inter-related in one way or another.
what irony. think he's pondering this from the eternal fire pit?
I KNEW there was something fishy about that guy.
Thanks to your kind remark the other day, I'm sticking my head out of the hole today. Here's hoping it stays intact.
My Flash 55 is HERE
I forgot to say, It'll be up after midnight pacific time,
Funny, G-Man. It would have served him right.
My 55 is up here.
Divine justice?
Brilliant as always Galen.
Mine is here:
OMG - for me as a German it was a shock to see Hitler's face this early in the morning on your blog….but I have to admit the afro style hair looks nice…great 55!
mine is here
I don't have words to describe g-man's work... I love to praise g-man as "FATHER OF 55 - FICTION"
My 55 is Proposal
--Someone Is Special--
I suspect he knew about his ancestry - that's why he was such a monster about it.
My 55 is (are?) here.
Me Chinese peep, named Sem Ting. I related to A. Hitler. Exception is...my blood red. Hitler blood was ice-water. Sem Ting Tanks you G-Man!
My Number 55 is HERE
Now wouldn't that be great :-)
You'll find mine here.
Great little 55 that stirs up an interesting stew of questions!
Here is mine for this week:
Under Contract
Ironical eh?
Mine is up - bring a fork!
interesting post G Man !!!! :)
here's mine
Answers to Prayers
see G-Man ! I learned how to link my post :D !! easy for you now !!!
You are on a roll, from Angelina Jolie to Hitler, strange how your mind words.
Great 55er ---
mine is up.
Thought this was made up but rushed to google it and it's true! So like our lot of wannabe Hitlers going on about being pure Englishmen - please we're the mongrels of Europe. To hear or read the illustrated version click here
Historical Karma at work!
My mother was born on Hitler's birthday and in a town only a few miles away. Thank goodness her grandmother was in the underground.
Don't Let the Evil Road Runner Keep You Down!
Poetic Justice to be sure.
I was torn about my 55's. I was going to go with this angst filled gut wrenching post that really felt good to get down on "paper". But I thought better of it because there would have been hurt feelings. Instead, I have lighter fare in store for you right
Hail Hancock! Nice one!
That afro'd Hitler is hilareous, G-Man! I also dug your 'sign-off' like an old-time radio D.J.
ha ha ha
You are the greatest!
Loved this one!
HEY, guess what.... yeap I did!
Thanks for this, and hope you like it.
AND Have one of those kick-ass weekends of yours
:) :)
ha,ha,ha i got mine up!! late of course but hopefully worth the wait.
God does have a sense of humor....funny 55 and I hope you have a super sweet weekend! Mine is up....
Okay, I'm (finally) in!
Photo Haiku 55
Hi G. The image created was by using fibonacci code with words: 1-1-2-3-5-8. It starts with 1-1, add them together to get 2, add the last two numbers together to get 5, and so on. It's pretty cool. I did it upside-down then right-side up after the starting sentence.
Thanks for the shout. Not going to the show. Get to watch them practice instead. No crowds, no lines, no heat and humidity to endure.
that top pic os so creepy lol
find my 55 at www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
Hey Mr G...Riding EAST on #58, I ha to make a U-Turn to get to the "oasis", therefore going west for a few yards.
I knew I'd have to explain that for "some" older Peeps--GRIN!
interesting, to say the least lol
my 55 is at:
Ah, very slick. I hope Hitler is spinning in his grave. :)
Mine's up.
Too funny! I watched a video on genetics and apparently we are all originally from Africa...:D Poetic justice for sure!! Ok, I'm going to really try hard to get my 55 up today...don' be mad if I miss.
That must be the ultimate in hypocrisy.
Mine is here
Saul Hitler, ok. But Herbie Hancock Hitler?! - say it isn't so :) Actually, though, it wouldn't surprise me at all... about Hitler having Jewish ancestry, I mean. Good one!
My 55 is here.
we're all related in some way, I think. My 55 is Here
My parents went to war against Hitler - that's about it!
My 55 is up here -
Not sure how to do the link thing!
That is too hysterical....and certainly would be great irony!!
Mine is at:
have a kick ass weekend galin!
warm smiles,
Very clever! There is some justice in the world after all.
Mine is up. And so mild. D
Ah, Hitler would have been far more fun had he embraced those roots and let his hair grow. :)
I played the 55 this week too! Mine is here:Stranger Upstairs: In 55 Words: My Only Child
Karma at its best!
Mine is here: http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/foul/
Hey g-man! Learned something new here today :-) Cool. My cheesy 55 is here.
Obviously, Hitler was a descendant of Bozo. No disrespect to clownage.
What an irony!!!
We really are a weird lot, aren't we?! ;-)
Good one, G...
Here is mine for this week :)
Happy Weekend, y'all...
I have done my visiting,
I commented for 90% of above 55 posts.
Happy Weekend!
U Deserve The Best!
clever boy.
Oh Mr G-Man...I owe you the biggest apology. I should know you are NEVER wrong about ANYTHING, Mr Know-It-All
Oh I guess you'll make me eat horse manure for THIS big boo-boo. Or worse--no FIFTY-FIVE for steveroni next week, right?
All I can do is quote: and east and west, the wander thirst that will not let me be."
Kick my ass next week...I can TAKE IT! Ain't the FIRST time--grin!
I stopped by again, well who knows why, too much on this little brain of mine -- I simply forgot I left a comment.
We're all related if we go back far enough G. I haven't done a 55 this week but I'll be back next week. Have a great weekend all.
happy saturday g-man! hope you have a wonderful weekend...
My pleasure,
U have a gentle heart...
See you on Sunday 160.
Here I am, better late than never!
Poetic justice is right... if only he knew! (Or maybe he did, and that's partly why he was such a nut... filled with self-loathing. Ugh. We may never know.)
My Friday 55 was posted here yesterday. I'm just now getting around to visiting everyone. :)
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