We had an appointment.
She was early, I was late.
Michaelangelo couldn't have chisled THIS Dame!
Now I haven't trusted ANY woman since 1940.
She went out for a bottle of wine, and two hours later the Nazi's march in!
But there was something about the fragrance of Pall Malls, Honeysuckle and Lavender.....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55..
Please Come Tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most NOIR host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
...but you never forgot her...
I’m back from the mountains, lakes and trails with a quiet little 55 today… born under the midnight sun in a remote valley covered in a carpet of alpine flowers.
sounds like some dame g-man....
and a scent you will never forget...
my 55 is up!
Wow, not my kind of woman at all. Then again, I'm more interested in friends.
Mine is here
Ti you beat me no fair!!!!!
Isn't she sultry. Bet she knows how to do a few things in 55 - ya think?
Mine is more flavorful
Come one come all to One Shot Poetry where poets ...
come visit and find out
One shot
Thanks G for what you do each week and for letting me put up an Ad.
A sultry memory that lingers and echoes and re-lives! Beautifully expressed!
Autumn can be a time to dance...
Ooo I can smell her already. What a gal. Excellent. Mine is up here. Have a great weekend.
I love this one........beautiful .. a real keeper...
Betty Ann
(thanks for your nice words to me on my blog)
I love both honeysuckle and lavender, but I think the cigarette smell would kill it for me.
Sultry images, Galen. Have you been daydreaming lately?
Could that be Rita Hayworth?
My 55er is up! D
I just love the mood and the ambience of this one. Perfect!;)
Looks like you started a Woarr!
Here's mine: NEW MOTOR
Sounds like a Mata Hari!
Have a good friday G!
Very evocative. I like it, you really hit a certain mood here. I especially love the first 2 lines.
Mine is up...have a great weekend, my friend! :)
My role model!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Excellent! It's so very Bogey and Bacall.
My 55 is up here.
Was there something said about a FRAGRANCE??? I LOVE to smell things! Seriously, odors are a big thing with me, from "farm stuff" to department store parfum counters.
This was great
Never be late
Especially in Paris...Spring
Especially in 1940...
Mine is HERE
Forgot to check "follow-up". Sorry. Well, no, I'm not REALLY sorry....
You are SO GooooD to us Mr G, and appreciated more than I would ever let you know...because you KNOW-IT-ALL!!!
week after week you rock it out. how do you do it? great creation of that noir mood.
i played along this week, even if only to vent frustration.
casa blanca to you.
such a romantic
mine is up.
luv ya!
Fab Di
Inglorious Bastards kinda thing. Very nice. My 55 is HERE .
(Oops! HTML issue!)
This week I did TWO 55’s…
Felled Tree
Photo 55
How could she leave you? Dumb woman!
An iconic one, that. Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
She looked at him like an iceberg on the melt and said `Are you a policeman, or what?'
He tilted back his hat,`I used to be. Now I'm a what.'
adapted from "The Blue Hammer", by Ross MacDonald.
Gone for romantic tragedy today. Click here to read my 55 story.
I could almost smell all those fragrances...
Lovely one G-Man.
Mines up too.
How could she??????
Nice one G-man. :)
I'm up.
Sounds like a woman with a story there!
Mine is up! Just off to read everybody elses - my day will be a good one!
The smell of Pall Mall's would hit a memory chord, that's all Mom and Dad smoked when I was a kid! Ohhh, I love the smell of honeysuckle and lavender, but in a different sense than you do, lol!
Mine is up, but I dunno how to post the link here, sorry. Hey, by the way, have a super KA weekend!
aromatic association! lovely!
have a super weekend!!
my 55er on transition is at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2010/07/transition.html
Aaahhh - brilliant - and not the first time in history that something like this would happen...
I have joined in as well with a 55 :=)
hey g! The Original Cin could not get signed in so here is her link...her 55 is up!
Hey G-Man she sounds like quite a dame! Great 55!
Mine is up ... it is the only post I have made in the crazy week that was!
Have a great weekend G-Man!!!!
Digging the "noir"!
I did something a little different for this week's 55...a most unusual product endorsement. It can be found
Sends me into the land of nostalgia. Loved this 55 and the picture too.
Mine is up.
Are you a Casablanca fan? I am.. great 55
I am back with one.
It was a special time for elegance..
My God, I swear I did not read yours when I write mine...
what a misunderstanding between the two, fabulous 55.
I posted mine,
thank you for the response.
Happy Friday!
I love that third line!
This one is hot G-Man.
Mine's up. What do you love about Your life?
very descriptive 55, G-man. I like it! Mine is ready at http://marie-experience-strength-hope.blogspot.com/
very enjoyable!!!
have a great weekend,
Very cool, G-man!
Wow - 1940! That's a long time to be carrying a torch G!
I'm sorry, I have no 55 this week, but I just had to check in to see what you were up to!
I am in
ha, thanks for help spelling contemplative, btw
Here's mine, called "Isn't It Ironic".
You created a great mood there. My 55 is here.
this was niiice :) had fun writing this :
wow no wonder I forgot to post my Flash Fiction 55 I never heard from ya is what got my attention I'm sorry for missing the posting galen byut I was posted ear5ly Friday morning I'm sure you were sleeping it was probably 3:00am
Just follow the link below
Summer Days
Thanks for reading
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