Oooh Oooh......
My favorite place in the whole world Tim Horton's, published some coupon's this week in the paper! As you can see, I already ripped some out and used them. So far this week I got a free coffee, a free breakfast wrap, a free donut, a 99 cent iced mocha, and a 99 cent Large iced coffee! I'm in Coupon Heaven needless to say. I've been saving these other coupons for some odd reason that I just can't put my finger on, Hmmmmmm........
Anyway...See Ya Tomorrow!
Well, of course you saved them! It just makes "cents".
we get to use $4.40 words this week?
PLEASE can I have the ice cream coupon? Pretty please?:)
You are sooooo Lovely
I swiped something from you. Let me know if I should remove it from my blog.
Ahhh you are having a party and we are all invited.
Thanks G!!!
Is it because of the bar codes?
I love money saving coupons. :)
You are such a kick ass sweetheart. I should have been more specific. It's at http://www.aliceaudrey.com/?p=5247
i bet you could think of 55 reasons if you wanted to...
i'm not sure i can though...
Why every penny counts today! Keep cuttin them coupons G!!
you saved them because your dogs like soy sauce on their chew-eez, right?
My wife cuts coupons on Sunday morning from the G.R. Press, organizes them, then lets them expire.. I let her do this without comment, as it's harmless!
Hi, Galen! I am all about coupons. Every penny helps, I say.
My 55er is up. Had trouble with blogger and fought with the spacing. Oh, well. It is what it is. D
Yeah G, you really put the "B" in "subtle", doncha?
Unfortunally I do not know Tim Hortons! But I do cut cupons. Have you checked out my new doo?
Youre so funny, i love how you do 55 on th portrait, and so creatively!
Okay, I have a question for you: When the kids and I were in Canada, we stopped at a Tim Horton's for breakfast. I'd never been to one before. The donuts were so bad we threw them away. Does that place just not make god donuts or did we hit them on a flukey day?
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