Tony hated this part of the yearly physical.
Lying on his belly in the examination room, he heard the soothing voice from behind; "Relax, this won't hurt a bit".
Before passing out from pain he thought,"What's he........'?
(Shaking the patient)
"Tony, wake up...I'm Doc Andrews, are you ready for your prostate exam?"
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Ugh. what was he dreaming about that was WORSE?
This week Ti's on vacation in the wilderness, and I have a story with some assembly required.
And (probly) YahtZEE!
my what big fingers you have
nice 55...dang mojo clipped me again...lol.
my 55 is up!
How was it for you, Tony?
Here's mine: MORE DUNC
What kind of weekend will Tony have?
I did this: YES
Hahaha. You know what isn't funny? I left my laptop at work and had to type my 55 on my android in order to publish. Talk about a pain in the ass. LOL.
I am up....can't do HTML right now...
Pussy. My 55 is HERE after midnight Pacific Time.
I swear I only blinked and suddenly the post is up and full of comments already. And they are all better than anything I came up with.
Mine is here.
I don't think that anyone has really read this closely yet....
We'll see........
so who got there before the doctor? err...
Brian, Brian, Brian....
You never fail to impress...hehehehee
Oh, g-man...you slay me, every time. LOL!
Mine is up. And, miracle of miracles, it actually *is* fiction this week... :)
Na na na na na....(you can't make me, you can't make me)
Here's mine
Makes me REALLY glad to be a girl.:-)
Oh, G-Man!
If I recover from reading this, I'll post mine in the morning!
A female PA does my exams--by request, of course--grin!
GREAT "55" Mr G.
My feeble attempt is HERE
Hey, I got it right away, Mr G. It was quite obvious, right? The man just had a bad dream? Right? Hmmmmm--grin!
No Steve....
You are the one DREAMING today!!
Now there's a mental image.
It's always nice when the Friday 55 can include "ARRRRRRRRRRRGH" as a word. :)
Thanks as always for yet another Friday 55.
Mine's posted right HERE.
Good as always.
Mine's up here:
just the expression on the doctor's face is scary enough without all the implications...
funny 55...
mine's up too!
I posted my 55,
Hope that you enjoy it.
Thank you!
Your 55 is scary to me,
I did not visit doctor's office for more than a dozen years...
I consider your 55 is fun at most...
a story,
which is cool!
Well, Mr. Know-it-all, NO comment on Tony or Doc Andrews. Unfortunately, my 55er is also medical. It's up at the alchemist’s pillow. Have a nice weekend and please, just this week, in case Tony is reading, don't wish anyone a KICK ass weekend!
urgh! the dream and reality. Wot a bummer!
Yuck!!! Sent a shiver thru me today.
Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
:) that seemed painful lol
in an ongoing project of writing short snippets of culture conflcts have posted a 55er today at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2010/06/ongoing-culture-conflict-4.html
Painful but necessary! ;)
Mine's up.
But what if he enjoyed... Dark family lies for my Friday 55
You scare me sometimes Mr. G! LOL. AAARRRGGGHH is right! Finally got mine up and you can find it
The imagination is a cruel friend.
My Flash 55 - How Do I Tell You?
A big misnomer for me today, as my 55 is entitled 'Tongue Tied' :0)
As if ! LOL...
Be careful where you go to sleep, says I! LOL
And women think they have it bad with their yearly exam....sounds like this chap had it much harder...my 55 is up and have a sweet weekend!
You think that's bad? My doctor's a woman! (Although she does have small hands, so I should count my blessings)
Here's mine:
Next 55
disturbing, very disturbing. fhitawaso was it?
I thought that was all "behind" you? Fiction?
Mine is up
Fab Di
you should always stop look and listen before you cross that kind of bend in the road...too, too, funny!
I gave it another whirl this week!
& what phobia is that Mr . Knowitall?
Analfuquephobia Mona Dear....
I have a 55 up here.
yea, I knew that :D... after I read Brain's comment of "what big fingers you have {Grandma}!"
G-man - Don't take things personally. I wrote that 55 long before I read your post.
i think they have medication for that g-man...
Ok, so the bug gay nurse came in and could not resist...;P
Oh no, suddenly my ass is starting to hurt! LOL
When does a finger become the size of a corn cob? After that exam, I usually go into the fetal position for a couple of hours...
I'm glad I don't have one of them but my boobies have been mashed for years in mammmograms....my 55 is here:
written from my hospital bed!
I decided to do a bonus 55 this week: Bonus 55
I cannot even tell you the peal of laughter your poem in response to my 55 elicted. I've had to share it with all my nurses who already thought I was a bit nuts. Now, that's what's missing from my pain meds...a good shot of brandy. I knew I should have packed that in my purse!
Thanks for cheering me up!
Ew the fabulous 50's exam..what fun!
Happy 55 friday, Gman!
Men are such babies. :)
maybe i can provide a nice dream
i'm in,
I've heard a rumor that straight boys don't like it up the butt.
Oh Geee!
May be late but always
the Life of the Party
g-that's an interesting end to the week;+0 mine's up--have a great weekend! c
bol Yes I remember that test and it's not fun, I know I'm, a little late but if your interested follow the link below.
Merit Badge
Thanks for reading
how did you know that pic was for you?
the trash needs taking out...
g---thanks for stopping by--go figure I am finally early on my post and I forget to sign in;-0 always something...have a great weekend! c
spinning back throught o grab the late crowd. smiles.
still wincing...
have a nice weekend g-man!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help and support.
Thank You Brother, you are a great friend...Galen
Late to the dance, but ready to rock and roll!
Hey, G-Man, we both have thoughts on medical procedures today.
My 55 is here
they need to post something in the Doctor's office I'm thinking - Warning!!!!!
Omg...lol, got a giggle out of me this time.
Just dropping in to say Hello. Have a great weekend!
Come to think of it, the tale of Red Riding Hood, can be extended to being a piece of great significance , with a Freudian slip...
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