A lovely tree-lined street....Circa 1988.
(Knock Knock)
The heavy oak door slowly opens.
'Hello, my name is Julie, I'm a Jehovah's Witness, and I'm....
(The door opens wider)
"Julie? Please come in. If you'll excuse me just a second, I have some fava beans cooking on the stove, my name is Hannibal...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most stuffed-up host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
That's what you call Holy Sh*t...
Well later anyway
I gave Ti the week off ;-) She's been working too hard anyway. But as for me, Life Is Good.
Oh... and (wait for it)
Loved that movie. Like your take. My 55 will be HERE after midnight Pacific Time.
Jehovah's Witnesses make for a lovely stew. Wait. I know nuttin' 'bout that.
I did take the week off. But that means I might actually have time to come and visit all of y'all.
(insert fist pump here)
did you really? haha. that would be so funny...nice 55.
mojo's got it going on again!
my 55 is up!
Ah, those fava beans ...
I just posted my first 55 Flash Fiction Friday piece. You can find it here
A nice... Chianti... anyone?
Here's mine... HOME COOKING
Oh you naughty man! Don't you know you're supposed to have white whine with that?
Mine is here.
Oh, my. It's never a good idea to knock on a stranger's door, I guess.:)
One word - Hannibal...
mine is a simple Family Outing
Hi Galen: Mine is up! I LOVE Hannibal...hahahahaha (evil laugh) D
Haven't seen the movie, but I've heard all about this Hannibal chap. He's nuttin' like the original Hannibal, though. Maybe he would have asked the JW to take a ride on an elephant?
If only you knew....
I will, however, say that my Friday 55 is posted right here.
It's Part 2 of my three-part series called "The Ugly Truth About Vegetables."
What a mind!!!
I can never guess what will spring from your creative brain. Always a surprise and always a great 55 read.
Mine is up.
Oh, you are so wicked!
My 55 is up here.
run, julie, run- white meat never goes good with fava beans ;)
loved your 55 g-man, very original, creepy but good!
uh, oh yeah, my 55 is up!
what a surprise!
beautiful 55.
My 55 is up,
Thank you for the attention!
WOW..I really like that, Mr. G.
I did one initially...
then I read yours and YOU inspired
a 55 response from me..
Read them here
thank you for the inspiration, Sir!
Have an AWESOME weekend!
Your 55s always make me smile!! Classic, very classic. :)
Mine is now up as well...
I wonder if Julie was able to offer Hannibal a copy of Watchtower or Awake before she left...
Looky here
Silence of the Lambs was all I could take of Hannibal. I'm too gullible... Wait. Was he going to be mean to that poor girl?
Mine will post at midnight Pacific time. There’s trouble afoot
wickedly funny. i may need to use that the next time they come knocking on my door.
mine will be posted first thing in the morning. hope you are feeling better tomorrow.
That is great...I loved that movie, "Silence of the Lambs" - had a great visit once at the FBI Academy, Behavioral Sciences Unit with my forensic nurse group. They showed some scenes from that movie during our lecture.
Mine is up at:
Now that was an intriguing meeting. Loved it.
You'll find mine here.
I'm giving very serious thought...to eating your wife.
Fava beans are in season here now. I'll be sure to be careful!
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Silvia's Smile
Oh you sly crafty devil you LOL :) Well done. I'm going to remember that next time they come a knocking at my door LOL. Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)
Beware Julie!!!!!
Love the suspense of this G Man!!! So, so excellent. And a favorite of mine too.
Mine this week is now posted....dedicated to a man I know. LOL
Oh I must remember that like for when they knock on my door!
Mine's up.
I'm out today but will catch up with everyone over the weekend. :)
lol. You've given me ideas to get them away from my doorstep, G-man. Except that they're sometimes so nice, I just had to invite them in. lol. Mine is here
Good one, Love the surprise ending. I wonder if he eats all religions.
Mine is up and with a surprise ending. :)
Phew, that's left me something to chew over!
Thanks for posting!!
You'll find mine in this post: Moon Walking
You're a star, as always.
Have a superb weekend - it never really seems to start until I see the words 'kick-ass'. :)
Eventho I didnt do a 55 this week I had to come by and check yours out because I never know what to expect :)
PS I posted more of my daughters poetry today :)
aiks...here is Allison's link...
I am just helping her..
Allison's Ocean Flash
Funny "stuffed up".
a little late but I'm up
No one is safe...it's as simple as that. :(
I'm back with a 55 too, but not about turning JW's into dinner. :))
G-Daddy you're the bestest!
Clever, G-Man!
Darn it, that last link doesn't work ...try this link.
Enjoyed your 55, Gman. Cool idea. Thanks.
Here's mine...
Simon Says
Just the name "Hannibal" can send shivers down your spine! Great 55! My 55 is up! Have a great weekend!
Hi My 55 is at itsthisorgocrazy.blogspot.com
Be kind
Great Job so far everybody...
Keep em coming!
Wow... Is that how to do it?... ;)
My 55 this wwek is about just doing it... Wanna know what "it" is? Come check it out! :) /Jo.
"Week", I meant "week" of course... :) /Jo.
I read your F55 twice and it was just as creepy the second time! Have a rockin week end like rocky horror show, holly sh*t G-man! Mojo is right! :)
Dear Hannibal
Hope you and Julie enjoyed the beans
BTW, you ever been to the Alps?
--GREAT "55"
(Bartenders never say ANYTHING in 55 words, G-man!)
I DO have a "55" up
Hey there Sunshine! :-) I´m up (and I´m so happy to be up!)
Great little story there, lol! Have a wonderful weekend!
YOUR story I mean, great!
I like this post! you make me wonder what Julie and Hannibal got into:)
I am in on the 55
(and the fantasie)
(or is it a true story?)
Good answer! I just used to tell tell we were late for the coven meeting....
wow I don't know what happened to the day but I went and forgot about this fifty five night until a few minutes ago. Just follow the link provided below.
loving Memories
Larry@"This Blog of Mine"
There's a movie I could not bring myself to watch, even though I love Anthony Hopkins.
<a href="http://frontlineink.blogspot.com/2010/05/flash-fiction-friday-snow-cone-stand.html>Here's mine</a>. Thanks, as always, for hosting!
Oops, misentered the code.
Here's mine I hope.
Thanks everybody...
Adam, I can't access your post.
Nothing disparaging was said here My Friend.
No offense was meant...:-)
I wonder which was worse for the JeHo's Hannibal or my morbidly obese friend friend answering the door naked?
Yes I know its Sunday, But I'm recovering from our UK General Election and its shock outcome. Read my Friday 55 here
start accepting credit cards online
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