A Mr. Petite Oui-Oui from Richard du Tete France asks...
"Dear Mr. Knowitall...As you know French nouns are either male or female. La Bouche is female it means the mouth, Le Bras is masculine and it means the arm....The list goes on and on.
My American Cousin tells me that certain English words are genderized as well. I didn't learn this in school...Can you give me any examples if this is true?"
'Dear Froggy...Of course I can'!!
COPY MACHINES...Female: Once they are turned off, they take a while to warm them up again. They are highly effective and useful if the right buttons are pushed. Push the wrong button, and all Hell breaks loose!
FREEZER BAGS...Male: They hold everything in, and you can see right thru them!
TIRES...Male: The go bald easily, and they are usually Over-Inflated.
SPONGES...Female: They are soft, squeezable, and they retain a lot of water!
TRAINS...Male: They use the same old over-used lines for picking up people.
EGG TIMERS...Female: After a while, all their weight shifts to the bottom.
HAMMERS...Male: In the last 5000 years they have hardly changed at all, and at times are handy.
THE REMOTE...Female? I know...Surprise!! Think about it.....It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know what buttons to push, he just keeps pushing away!!
I hope that answered your question Frenchy, if not? C'est Dommage
Je suis fatige'....A bientot.