Some are plain.
Some are pink.
Some are fragrant.
Some really stink.
Some are soft.
Some are crusty.
I like them smoooooth, NOT gnarly and musty!
Bring On The Summer... It makes my heart THUMP.
Flip-Flops, Sandals...Peep-Toed Pumps!
Don't schedule me for therapy sessions.
It's not a Fetish...Just G-Man's Obsession!
Oh how I love a girl with pretty and well groomed feet!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have A Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Gorgeous toes, Man!
I’m just espress-in myself over here, ya’ll. Sans caffeine, courtesy of Wild Thang’s epic self destruction.
Also, Yahtzee?
Damn... She's quiiiick. I barely had time to read your foot fetish... er... affinity and Ti's mourning a grievous loss this week, while I'm celebrating a new lease on life. Funny how things sync up that way innit?
yeah, mine are free year round if i can get away with it...but i guess thats not the same...a lot can be said for a nice pair of feet...nice 55 g-man.
mine is up!
I totally indulge in a little pedi. :)
I'm up!
(sorry everyone forgot the html code.... anyone care to send it to me? smiles)
Nice feet G! which ones were yours?
This 55 has me on the edge
you are so funny. i doubt you'd think much of my feet! my 55 will be up in the morning.
You need to move to Hawai'i my friend. Year round foot feetish here LOL. But I know you and those Wolverines. I don't think I'm gonna have one up this week. My blog transfer is taking longer than expected.
A merrie May poesy of the toesy!
Aloha from Hawaii, Friend
Comfort Spiral
cute feet,
loved this special 55.
Yes, there is nothing like a good pedi to make a girl feel beautiful...
Thanks for the reminder, g-man. I'm due! :)
Have a great weekend!
(PS - mine is now up!)
awesome limerick!! a winner yet again!! i got one up this week!! woo-hoo three posts this week and a couple of smart ass comments!!
Good Evening, G-man:
How do you do?
My 55 is up.
Thank you for the feedback.
So what's the difference between a fetish and an obsession? Just curious.
Mine is here.
Well, it sounds like a fetish, but probably a harmless one. But you probably shouldn't look at my blog today.
And the long legs those feet are attached to aren't bad either!!
The Buzzard has a new Flash 55 this week and a Buzzard update on my absence from this great writing experiment.
Thanks to all of you who asked and supported us.
There's a (pedi) cure for that...
Here's mine: 40 YEARS AGO
Ha! And you look striking in all of them! ;)
Mine will be up at midnight here
Enjoy the sun...we might get some by July...
It's Friday again?
Really? So soon!
All right. My 55 words are right here. :)
But first, apparently I need a pedicure...
Hmmm. I do believe there's some mischief afoot.;)
Cute one G-Man! Mine can be found
My feet are usually bare and are therefore... well, I'll just have to remember to hide them if ever we meet.
My 55 is up here.
lol. those are nice photos of painted toe-nailed feet. But then some of us have big feet and big toe nails, just like mine ☺. and painting them sometimes don't make them look that much prettier either, lol.
mine is here a true story.
Cute. (The poem and the photos.) Mine's here!
Not a fetish. Sounded pretty fetishy to me. Part 3 of my Road Trip Revenge is HERE .
Sorry 'bout that--link did not work. Gotta be PerFekt, ya know!
Mr G-Man...I admit Defeat IS a good "55" topic. Also I like smooth feet, but hairy legs. Ooops, was that TMI?
Good one, Mr G-Man!
Here is MINE
G-Man, you are making me schedule a trip to the pedicure place. Heck, it isn't even 70 degrees here yet. Sigh.
I've posted my 55 early this week. Guess I was feeling brief. Or something.
Strange cuss words etc.
I'll make sure to hide my feet. :P
I'm back and playing this week. Mine will be up at midnight Pacific time. ;-)
Well, certainly it's nice to have wonderfully manicured, soft feet...but, sometimes, in life, there are calluses, bunions, corns, and the like, that make those sexy sandals look less so.
Your poem was hysterical.
Mine is at: http://rnsane.blogspot.com/2010/05/poor-purple-pansy-flash-55-friday-5-28_27.html
Another man with a foot fettish...love it!
Nice 55.
And a healthy obsession it is, g-man!
My flash 55 is up at the alchemist's pillow.
Now that post was a great feet.
You'll find mine here.
I didn't know you had so many pretty shoes!
nice poem gman Crusty scares me but still a nice poemfollow this
llink and read my flash fifty five
Me encanta pies
I do like a man who appreciates feet.
Mine's up here: http://theonlycin.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/friday-flash-55-word-fiction/
Hi, I am reading ur post after a long time as I was on vacation and your writing’s as amazing as ever. It’s perfect with summer already here. My 55 is up too and its here
Clever stuff! Who was it that said 'I can't bare feet?'
Here's my 55 anyway... The Titan Iceberg
It's definitely time for my pedicure!
Mine is up!
Great 55! I LOVE your 55's...Can barely wait til friday to read whats gonna come outta your head next :)
My ex husband had a foot fetish...And actually had an entire roll of film of just my feet lol...
Hmm feet...a certain red headed ex princess may need a bit a comfort in the toe department given her week. my 55 here
Mine is up. :-)
Even when I was nine months pregnant I made sure my toes were painted and looked good. (was a bitch of a time reaching my toes by then but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do) My 55 is up and I want to wish you a rock star weekend!!!!!
Come suck my toes...oh wait, got to get a pedicure first! :D
This was one of your top 10 55's I must say!! I'll be up later alligator...
This gave me a laugh, as it brought back the memory of an art college tutor once telling me I had 'delectable toes' - the funniest compliment ever! (I was wearing flip-flops at the time, in case you got the wrong idea! LOL :)
My feet are uglier than Gollums...
Here's my first 55!
It's based on a story I started recently, only much shorter (of course)
love it love it...scheduled a pedicure just in case..
My 55 is up
which ones are Mrs Haynes feet???
Haven't done a 55 in ages, but mine is up now. Wishing you and yours a wonderful, peaceful and laughter-filled holiday weekend!
(Loved your 55 - my toes are sporting a fresh coat of hot pink today!)
My first Friday Flash 55, g-man!
Foot fetish? Foot obsession?
I'll have to go look up all these terms so I can be clear about the difference. :)
Love the shoes.
Mine is up.
Cute tootsies!!
I looooove summer -- my baby just got her first-ever pair of flip-flops for her fourth birthday today. They're PURPLE!
Happy Friday Galen!
Gman, I think of you everytime I slip into my flip flops. :)
To everybody> Those Indian feet are not mine!
I love summer so I show off my painted toes in pretty sandals. :)
Great 55 G-man. I scheduled mine to post on Friday as I was going away. Hope you get time to read it. :)
This was super cool..
Betty Ann
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