"Month's without sunshine, and sliding and slippin.
Cases of empties from booze you've been sippin.
Winters still clinging by barely a string.
Please go away we are missing the Spring!
...Slushy freezing, coughing sneezing.
Gray is depressingly sad.
That soon will be over,
we'll be rolling in clover,
And then we won't feeeeeel so bad!!!"
The Hills are alive Baby... Bring It ON!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Vernal host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
OMG I could almost *like* the Sound of Music if it's about Spring!
This was great stuff Galen.
I'm up too; Happy Friday!
Yes. Spring. Soon, please.
I feel happier already!
Mine's up...still can't do the link thingy...
Have a great weekend - we have a harley too - itching to ride!
Spring has Sprung, here... the World Ice Art Championships are in full swing. :)
I'm up!
Bring it on, Spring. Please!
Enjoyed it very much.
I am here (I hope.)
Oh no, that means winter is on it's way to my neck of the woods.
Mine's up. Bring your tissues.
you are amazing gman...really you should record this one and post that. smiles. so ready for spring!
mine is up!
You make me taste the hunger to ride!
Aloha, my Harley Friend
Comfort Spiral
Spring will be here before you know it, Vernal Man. All the signs are there. There will be green stuff shooting up in the snowy, slushy hills and we'll all be able to breathe again.:)
Bring the spring, I want to roll in the clover!
This week I have a 2fer,readers choice Shirt Tales
So descriptive, although it is 'summer' down here, suddenly I'm knee deep in slushy snow beneath dreary gray skies.
My 55 is The Schedule
How do you solve a problem like G-Man? Been a cold one even down here G. But I kinda like it.
Sandy's back with more of her usual excellence, and (surprise!) I even have one of my own this week.
Springtime is coming!
I did one
OOOHHH!! I am soooo ready for spring. I think I've heard a few birds singing lately. Hope rises eternal!
Mine's up. D
Our winter here in Florida is nothing like you describe, but having said that, we have had an unusually cold one this year. I can't remember the cold sticking around this long in the 35 years I've been here.
I love spring.
Fabulous, G-Man!
I'll have one up for you in the morning!
Kick ass, G-man!!! That last line really does it.
I finished my little lover's lane thing - which got picked up by seedpod publishing, BTW. I promise, this is the end of it. Totally.
Mine is here.
I know I'm officially old now because I've joined "those" people who complain about the cold weather. :)
I used to love it when I was a kid.
Now I just want to avoid freezing to death and slipping on ice and breaking every bone in my body.
Yay for spring. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55. :)
My own is posted right here.
Dear Mr. G-Man,
Just a short comment to let you know I have posted my 55.
Lovely 55, we are missing Spring indeed!
Spring now please!
I’m up right HERE
hey i've been playing in the garden too!! i didn't know you liked to roll in clover!! mine is up too!!
Have never been here before but I will be back. Great page!
That's a brain worm in the making, like a bad 80's song. My 55 will be here after Midnight Pacific time.
Gaaahhh! You're right, I did make a mistake and did 56 instead of 55. It's ok, I just went back and fixed it. It's 55 now! Really! I promise!
Please don't hurt me.
(OK, let's try this again.)
Spring! We want Spring!
My 55 post is up.
Hey G, I think we're on the same wavelength - at least the part about spring!
My 55 is up. Have a wonderful weekend!
Now you will have me singing that blooming song all day long!Glad there are no alive hills round my neck of the woods, though I might enjoy the trees...see my 55 for elucidation! LOL !
I'm game. This week I wrote of a real life drama taking place on another social networking site. Something lovely turned into something sordid and ugly. too bad.
Here's my link: http://5thsister.blogspot.com/2010/03/flash-friday-55-quilt-real-life-tragedy.html
I could here you sing that one... :) And I am singing it with you. Let. There. Be. Spring. Soon.
My 55 this week is
"A Prayer to a Lighthouse"
Sorry, no link. :) Still way too difficult... You are welcome to come check it out, though.
Peace and love/ Jo.
OMG, I mean hear, of course. I am typing faster than my head...
I was singing along. Excellent.
You'll find mine here.
I am so SO SORRY, I do not know why my link was busted like Brian told me. oh dear.
Oh you sing it Mikey Andrews LOL Excellent my friend.
Mine is up HERE.
Have a great Friday :)
Hey Gman I didn't know you were a poet nice job. Yes I'm really missing spring right now the cold weather is getting to me. I'm have several weeks of doing Zephyr's revenge it's going to take another week or so before he gets really pissed and starts killing people but it will be soon enough keep watching for part 03 I'm up just follow the link below.
Zephyr's Revenge Part Two
Thanks Larry
Heartfelt sentiments.
I shall be singing it all day! The sun is shining here, the frost is sparkling and Spring is definitely on the way :-)
I can't find a linky thing so here I am - http://jabblog-jabblog.blogspot.com
I am sooooo glad I am not the only one who is stir-crazy-cabin-fever-tired-of-winterish. I'm up. You have a kick-arse day my friend!!
I can hear your falsetto. Mother Nature is listening.
Flash 55 - Earthquake
Love it Gman...you read my mind with that 55.
I still haven't figured out how to put a link in the comment..so click on my name and it will take you there..
I writ one!! It's at....
Flits away humming The Sound Of Music...
As always GREAT 55 GMan!
Mine is posted
(Sorry, I dont know how to do the link in a comment)
G- "Julie Andrews" man does it again.
i have song references in my 55 too!! this is probably the weakest one i've done...but hey, i'm waiting to roll in the clover!!
loved yours,
enjoy your kick ass weekend, just make sure it isn't your ass that's getting kicked!
How very clever of you and one of my favorite movies! I love this 55...we'll be rolling in clover.... and you've got the beat down perfect.
Yeah, I'm doing this 55 thingee again. You have me addicted.
Now you'll have me singing all day. :)
Mine is up....have a great weekend yourself!
Yes, I'm seriously ready for Spring too.
Here I am.
Have I mentioned I love this game? I do.
I'm so with you on this G-man. The words actually fit very well with the tune - I know cos I sang it! LOL
Mine's up too.
Great, reminded me of my past week and my first attempt at 55.
I'm up
I sang as I read. My favorite movie!! Love your ties! And your recipes. And your blog!!
My second 55 is up. Have a wicked good weekend!! :)
Some of our trees are already blooming with those purple flowers. It's happening! Wohooo...
Here's Mine
Okay, G-Man, my attempt at a link was a miserable failure. I promise I will get this one day.
Suffice it to say that I loved your song.
Spring has arrived here in the Pacific Northwest. We are loving our Crocuses and Daffodils. The cherry and almond trees are already blasting.
I missed you last week because we went to Massachusetts to visit Amoeba's mama for her 80th birthday, but my 55 Flash Fiction Friday is up today!
One of my FAVORITES ... of your 55's!
Wow - you'd better sit down. I'm ON TIME this week.
I could sing that to the tune of Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens :)
The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful- quote by Jimmy Buffet..
I'm bloomin again with my
55's...My brain was buried in a snow cave! I promise to not disappear without a forewarning!
Now, I have that stuid song in my head where they are dancing around before bedtime....ding..ding...ding..ding ding...ding. :) Have a bloomin weekend G!!
this is FANTASTIC! i love it! soooo true. and though i am sorry i took so long to get here THIS is the moment when i needed that smile the most. thanks for giving it to me.
Okay, I heard about this from Kim I think. Not sure. Anyway, I took a shot at it.
the wind's blowing
the sun's shining
it's happening
I'm in
You're silly! :)
This is my new favorite song. Great post!
Dungeon Gourmet
Yawwwnnnn...Hey, G-Daddy!! I'm up (finally) it's a long story. lol
Hope you're not sleeping yet....
Aw, that put a smile on my face - yeah, c'mon spring, your appearance is well over-due!
Love the bike! Every year I have the same bunch of hairy bikers come stay with us for the anual TT Isle of Man on-road races - we live slap bang on the course and find ourselves sealed in for the event - not that it matters, the top of our drive is the best viewing place on the island. (But the carnage is regretable, one rider met his end on our gatepost).
Ahhhhh, so YOU're that Mr Knowitall 55 G-Man :)
I might. I just might....
My friend Lisa has done a lovely 55 about the moon, its from a week past, but she didnt know about reporting to you, Gman, so here it is, go take a look!
Excellent blog, excellent concept. I keep meaning to submit a Friday Flash 55, but I've been a bit distracted recently. Watch out for me next week.
What does it take to get on your "places I haunt" list?
I've added "Mr. Knowitall" to the Cosmic Rapture blogroll, left had column, under the heading of "other domains".
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
Creating a link
Thanks Larry I hope this helps you
Hello Galen, I've noticed several people have been trying to figure out how to create a link in the comment box. I thought I'd try and help them to figure it out by creating a tutorial for them. Here is the address to the tutorial and maybe if someone is trying to figure this out they can get some help from my tutorial and maybe you can direct them to my blog for the address. Just check out the link provided below for the tutorial.
Creating A Link
I hope this helps those who would like to learn how to create a link.
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