What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is goin on here?
I go away for a long Kick Ass Week-End and I get 86 Comments?
Well...Thank You one and all!!
My internet conection was very erratic, and I couldn't hold a signal for very long, please forgive my lack of visitation to most of your entries on Friday Flash 55. You All Rock!!!
Have you ever asked anyone from Virginia where they are from?
Nobody is from a city!
Hey Goober...Where y'all from?
"I'm from Bedford County"...
Hey Big Mama..Where y'all from?
"I was borned in Clay County, but now I live in Franklin County"..
Craziest thing I ever see'd!!!
Anyway, I just drove 633 miles in 10 hours and 15 minutes, and I'm a tad tired.
Please start thinking about this weeks 55, I'll be around...
A map? I've never met a map I could read. That's a lot of driving you did, dude. Hope you had a real good time.;)
Howdy Miss Sherry...
I had a Kick Ass Time...Thanks!
hope you enjoyed the state...sounds like you were just up the road from me..i live in bedford county by the way...lol.
oofdah, get some rest, gman!
Glad ya got home safe and sound G-Daddy! MWAH! I'm sure you waved as you drove by me in Ohio LOL
At least it wasn't like Louisiana where they don't have counties, they have parishes. Bossier Parish, Caddo Parish ...
Nothin' like a good road trip.
is it monday already? sh*t!
Absence makes the comments grow fonder maybe....
I was once in a suburb of Melbourne and trying in vain to get directions. Nobody - and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOBODY I asked was actually from the suburb. Makes you wonder a) who actually lived there, and b) why there were so many visitors...
G...I'm from Northern VA...up here we don't use counties just Northern VA..we annex ourselves from the southern folk because we are so close to DC! :D
Ah, did you go golfing down SML?
My brother-in-law lives down there in Bedford County. LOL
My husband and I spent a wonderful weekend on SML last year. OK next time you breeze thru these parts you better give a holler and I'll meet you at a rest stop in ....county!
creative writing award,
hope that you enjoy it!
Glad that you enjoyed a fun trip!
Monday is here,
Wishing you a happy and cool day!
Welcome home :)
Hope you had a great weekend! :-)
i think you were speeding. couldn't wait to get out of macon caounty?
MicroFiction Monday - Sh!
Glad you had a nice trip. You know, you look at lot like Slim Pickens on that horse. Thought you drove!?!
i'm glad you had a kick-ass time -- considering all the driving you did, you should have had one!
see you in some county somewhere...
Glad to hear you had a kiss-ass weekend, Galen! Happy Spring! :))
Any weird food? Good food? Share!
I quit blogging, but I almost want to do a 55 just to get you more comments.
Oh wait, I can't, we are on our way to the Florida Keys...:)catch ya' later, gator.
Only people in the rural parts of states like Virginia use counties. People from large towns or cities say so. I'm not sure that isn't true for most of the country, in fact.
Galen do not ever put that map up again! that is too damn close to the part of VA I have my eye on and I want to get there (Philpott Lake in Henry) before all the tourists find out how great that part of the state is.
That's a lot of driving you did, dude. Hope you had a real good time
data entry india
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