Before the PC..
Before the Word Processor..
Before the Electric Typewriter..
This was State of the Art!!
This was my Mother's Typewriter from the 50's.
Every one of my high school essays and term papers were written with this.
Every one of my college papers were written with this.
(with help from Mom, hehehe)
Just another sight and sound from the past, kept alive by the G-Man
and his Retro Museum!!
you know, there just may be a person reading this that has no clue what a typewriter is...much less the abuse of taking typing class in high school. lol.
hope you are feeling good...
I'm laughing at Brian's comment because I was kind of thinking the same thing!
Take it easy, G-Man!
I am amazed at how much stuff you have kept.
I remember my high school typing class. I was 'fast' (on the typewriter) :)
Oh, I remember that one! I'm right there with ya!
We had a Smith-Corona. Boy could I type on that thing. What happened? LOL!
they don't even teach typing classes anymore, kids come equipped with this knowledge at birth, they actually come out of the birth canal texting on a new app from iphone!!
you can order the pre-birth app from at&t for 2 bucks!! technology at it's finest, and me a life long hen- pecker since no one teaches the ancient arts anymore!!
I tossed one like that when they invented the computer. And to think, I could have shipped it off to the G-Man Museum instead.:)
When the Zombie Appocolypse comes down, All the PC's in the world will crash and burn at the same time. Then what cha gonna do?
I know...Mr. G and his ancient ecoutrements will look very attractive then...Won't he?
I'll be waiting...hehehehhe
Well, I'll be just fine; I have the approved anti-Zombie ammunition. You could try throwing your typewriter at them and see what happens.:-)
At their head!!
And don't forget to 'Double-Tap'!
wow, I did not read the comments. But good for you, 2 days after you know what.
My parents had a black one, and I still recall my fascination with my college infatuation, (now my spouse) who had an electric that could erase whole sentences. Wow he had my heart with his art.....
Where does all this retro get stored? (we don't have basements in Calif) (nor usually attics)
Fab Di
Has the Smithsonian come a calling to you yet? Geez...it's not even electric LOL. Hope you are felling better :)
i actually enjoyed typing class. i had a manual typewriter back in the 70s w a ribbon that looked similar to your mom's typewriter. man, those were the good old days. i remember my 1st typing class in 6th grade...had to learn the 'fingering chart'. hey, no wisecracks from the peanut gallery. lol
btw g...glad to see surgery was all good. have i been away that long? what the heck went on while i was away, huh? xo
I was thinking more along the lines of how well the color matches your poodle skirt.
Mine was an old Olivetti Typewriter..an old manual heavy one at that.. I loved it :)
I have my Father's Olivetti.
I'm sure your mom typed for you :)
My kids think it's amusing that I had an electric computer in college.
I bought a used one in blue from the flea market and all of my undergrad papers in the 90's were typed. I threw it out and a week later I saw someone selling MY typewriter at the flea market again, LOL.
Brian -I totally remember the abuse of typing class. I cheated a lot. I'm still a one finger typer.
Oh how I hated those things lol...but thats what we had...All of my school papers were also typed on a type writer...My daughters saw one of my papers and questioned the look of it lol...yongins
oh yeah, i remember those. you had to have real finger strength to pound those keys!
and each one was a delight and blessing at their time...
OMG!! typing class was the worst!!! even on electric's, i can't even imagine how it would be on one like yours. i remember when i got a selectric w/auto correction after graduating HS. it wasn't the newest model, but it was better than what i had in h.s.!!!
I learn to touch type on one of those! :)
I had an IBM Selectric.. Two large manual typewriter and adding machine producers were in West Michigan- R.C. Allen in G.R., and Burroughs in Kalamazoo..
My firgers hurt at the sound and memory of it for I never got those typing lessons...
I hated it especially when misprinting at the very end and had to start it all over again...
I remember bragging about "ords per minute".
I taught myself to type on my very own electric typewriter that santa brought me for Christmas when I was in the 7th grade. I loved that thing.
Yeah, I remember LOL I still have mine too. Hey, needs no batteries, never gets out of date... it's becoming a challenge to find the ribbons however.
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