First of all, I'd like to thank EVERYBODY that sent prayers and well wishes.
They certainly were heard because the surgery was a breeze!
And speaking of breezes, Uncle Buff's comment on my last post was Right On!
Because a breeze is what I feel on my naked stitched up ass in the top photo.
I just love the way it fit so perfectly. I think Junior Samples could have fit in there with me!!
Secondly, Mr. Knowitall and TMI Tuesday is on hiatus this week...The Reason?
One Word, and the second pic explains it all....VICODIN!!!
And please don't worry about me with that...I hate pills!
(I prefer 'herbal therapy')
I'll be back to work on Thursday.
I'm glad you are doing okay!!! ♥
What!? I was first???
Why, yes you were Boomer!
Now I need to see you on Friday!
Thanks for the well wishes...G
Feel better
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
That's a mighty attractive nightie, Galen.;) I'm glad everything went well and your stitched up parts aren't paining you too much. Now, just lie back and let the Vicodin do its thing.:)
Take it easy! I had surgery back there once. It really sucks!
I can't believe you posted a picture in your hospital gown. Take your medicine!
wow, you did it!
hope your tuchus
is feeling fabulous,
cuz we all love
that thang...!
sending love,
xoxo lana
Would you still be considered a "bad ass" after this? Just wondering.
Feel better dude! jeNN
Glad it went ok. Hope your feel better now.
Get Well Soon Galen.
Thanks for showing the fabulous side of you....
Fabulous Di
here's wishing you a fast recovery.
feel better soon!!
Thursday it is, then. What wonderful spirits you send out, even through stitches--wait! that didn't sound right....
Hmmm...I dunno, Galen...you look an awful lot like my Aunt Mildred in that gown....
(Glad it went well. Get thee healed up, son!!)
I think ya already did a TMI with the top photo of ya ROFLMAO!! I'm glad things went well. Just don't pull a Rush Limbaugh on us okay? Herbal Therapy...hmmmm wonder what that means...Oh never mind I know :)
yay! glad to hear all went well. gotta love those hospital gowns, lol.
Feel better G-Man. I'm glad it went well. Seriously, those pain pills are spectacular.
BTW...I love big Jenn's comment :)
I am glad you are OK and didn't your hair hold up well?
You don't have to swallow the Vicodan if you don't like pills but it might be more painful taking it the other way.
Heal up well brother.
so glad things went well. you are brave to post a hospital gown pic! the vicodin pic is making me giggle. you look totally relaxed and blissed out, maaaan.
continued prayers for a speedy recovery. be good to yourself.
i'm glad you're doing okay. take care :-)
warm smiles,
Glad it went well!
sexy jammies!!!!! hope to see you up and running soon!
So glad to hear that the surgery went well m'deario. I'll continue sending Reiki until you're mended properly. x
You do have to wonder why they knock you out, and you wake up with a sore ass- with the Village People giving you gifts... HeeHeeHee.. Glad all is well!
Get well soon
Galen...dahling, I'm so happy that your surgery went well. I love the 2nd photo...I wish I could be there with you with a happy grin on my face too! :D
Speedy recovery!
Oooo Galen, love that gown and handbag combo!
I'm glad you're safely through your 'procedure' and recovering - see you Thursday, and meanwhile, sweet dreams!
By the way, by the way, guess how much an Irish domestic stamp costs? Guess.
You certainly have a far away look in your eyes...when you wake up it will be all better;)
I'm glad that everything went well!
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