This is a Barlow Knife.
I've had this since the 60's!
Barlow is not a brand, it's a style of knife.
It can either be one bladed or two bladed.
Each side of the rounded handle is flattened a bit.
George Washington was known to have owned a Barlow.
Tom Sawyer was given a Barlow in 1876.
Obadiah Barlow first manufactured the knife in Sheffield England around 1670.
That has nothing to do with this...I just love the name Obadiah!
This particular knife was made by the Imperial Knife Co.
I have many pocket knives, I recycle them as I lose them then find them in the couch!
Thanks for stopping by, I've been quite busy at work lately so forgive my commenting absences. Your reading loyalty is very much appreciated.
Cutting edge post.
Is it your favorite pocket knife? I have my grandpa's pocket knife, it's been sharpened SO many times, it has such s thin little blade now. What I like about it is that he carved his initials in to the handle!
Oh! When I was in HS, I worked at a Lutheran Summer Camp as a counselor. We had a man from Tanzania working there. He had a wife and 2 small children and during that summer they had a 3rd child. His name was Obadiah Kagaruki. We called him Obie
My granddaddy always carried a pocket knife and it looked kind of like that. I don't know if it was a Barlow, though.
I'm with Monkey Man :)
I have never been without a Barlow!
no one in this house can resist another pocket knife. it was on the christmas lists. i thought the Swiss army knife was the cat's meow, until i found a leatherman on a campout. Then everyone I knew said Leatherman.
Today my son has a brand-new Buck.
Interesting. I think that I've only seen the two blade variety.
Another fine looking trinket that belongs to Gman quite the collector I assume.
Microfiction Monday #32
Happy Holidays G! It's great to hear that business has been good. End of another year...and decade! Cheers to a good new year for all of us!
You had the most original, yet least concrete and simultaneously surreal comment of all
Thanks for the visit, I think walking man should write Haiku, see my comment.
Ha Ha Heeheehee
thanks for the giggle
I've never seen one of those. Is there anything you DON'T have?
I love this retro of yours... but hey those blades are a bit rusty!!!
I still have my first pocket knife. I used to carry it through the woods at my grandmothers so I could kill a bear if cornered. Yeah, I was 6 and not so smart. But I love that knife!
I have a tiny pocket knife of my grandfathers that is engraved silver. Pretty, although not terribly useful.
nice. i have my pocket knife with me right now...actually had a little girl ask me yesterday why i keep one in my pocket all the time...guess its the macgyver in me...
Yea they are rusty...But the knife looks like its been worn in perfectly :)
Obadiah is a great name and what a knife he invented. :)
a man's gotta have a pocket knife. and i really like the look of this one...
I have been known to write haiku at times.
Galen has a knife
barlow by style not name
two blades honed whet
nice knife, but i agree with Dulce, the blades look a bit rusty.
Big G, Years ago I found a Case Barlow while backpacking in the Wind River Range/Jim Bridger Wilderness. It was stuck in a tree. I still carry it.
Cool blade G-Man! I carry a Swiss Army knife that my mom gave me about 15 years ago. I particularly like the corkscrew and the scissors - very handy!
And Obadiah is a lovely name.
Got any chainsaws?
I got an "Old Timer" hunting knife for Christmas when I was 15 years old.. I still have it, and have used it to gut out deer.. I get a pocket knife, and my wife washes it in the laundry(doesn't dry it!) and leaves it in a coffee can by the washer- until I find it rusted..
You sure take care of your stuff G-man!
My grandfather used to have pocketknife and he would cut his apples with it...those were the best tasting pieces...I kind of favor the name Barlow! Maybe I'll name my next dog that name. :)
I don't carry knives, I'm afraid I will put my eye out.
Knice knife. jeNN
how about swiss army knives or the newer leathermans?
I guess I'd better watch my ass at your house then?! LOL!!
Thanks for the bit of history. :) I have several pocket knives. I think everyone from Alaska does. ;-)
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