Hi Everybody....
With Thanksgiving just a day away, I usually carry on a family tradition started by my Grandmother by setting out a bowl of nuts with these nutcrackers. These have been used every holiday since I can remember. Although I will say that jumbo walnuts and paper shell pecans were a rare treat. We usually had a bowl of hickory nuts, butter nuts, or black walnuts setting out instead...Those were the nuts that grew wild in our neighborhood, and we could pick up and gather them for free!
These old crackers still work great. I know that it's much easier to buy quality nuts on sale that are already shelled, but ya know....
Sometimes you just need to Bust a Nut!!!
See you tomorrow.
Mmmmm..nuts in your mouth, LOL. See you Friday!
I have some just like those!
I have nut crackers too and a bowl of nuts on the table mean Christmas to me. My polock dad used to insist on kolaczkis made with hickory nuts, ugh! Now that's a lot of work! jeNN
We had nutcrackers like that when I was a kid. I haven't seen one in years, but I'm not surprised that YOU have one.:)
Nothing better than cracking hard nuts. LOL. My grandmother did the same thing. Happy Thanksgiving
My grandmother always did this, too, and then my mother, and now me.
(Incidentlaly, we also use these for getting into boiled crabs.)
You are so funny and witty! I have one of those too...is it old fashioned? What else do people use to crack nuts? I really need to get out more often...
Hey, are we doing gratitude 55's this week?
I've always looked for the first sign of the nutcrackers lying around the nutbowl because I knew it was time to get crackin and theres nothing like bustin a nut the day before a holiday if you know what I mean. have A Great Turkey Day Galen.
I don't think of nut crackers as being old fashioned, but I suppose my grandmother didn't think of a butter churn as old fashioned either.
i still have my mom's nutcracker. from pre-ww2 days. and it works. i love my nuts over christmas...
I can finally say "Galen I have some of those nut crackers too" I had to hide them from the old lady though.
We have nut crackers like that, too. There's something very satisfying about having whole nuts in your hands (he, he.)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate and a Happy Thursday just to celebrate.Wild Turkeys
I have one of those nutcrackers, too. I bought a wooden bowl at an estate sale and like to put nuts that you have to crack in it.
we used to have a nutcracker like that, and i bet my mom still has it!
i hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
There is a huge walnut tree which leans over my house. When the nuts in their tough green shells start to fall, it is like my roof is being bombarded! The squirrels clean them all up for me. I am too lazy to do all that needs doing to make them edible.
We did that, too! I loved to spend an hour cracking walnuts, for my mom's baked goods when I was a kid.. Thanks for the memory..
F.Y.I.- Macadamia nuts have the thickest shell ever! You crack them in a vice!
Happy T-day!
Memories...and how about some clemintines to go with those nuts!
Enjoy your pecan pie tomorrow!! You Big Nutter you....;)
That isn't a n early post Galen it's a blogger screw up as always but I'm ready to post my Flash 55 Though. Will see you friday Buddy.
oh my...lol. my wife was a ballerina....this time of year nutcrackers invade the house....and i walk softly. hope you have a great holiday!
I didn't know my nutcrackers were antiques. We had to crack walnuts and almonds when I was a kid, and when we were really into it, we had to tackle the black walnuts too. Those suckers are something else entirely. So hard a shell for so little nuts, but boy did they taste good.
Re your comment on my post about the price of tamales in our neighborhood: The price is definitely right, and I'll see you tomorrow when the tamales are offered up with the turkey.
Can so relate to this post, G-man!
My mother was born in Germany and brought the tradition here when my mother & father emigrated! You should see their Nutcracker collection! I'm not into chotchkies, but some of them are absolutely beautiful. And the nuts aren't bad either! ;)
A blessed and Happy Thanskgiving to you and your loved ones, Galen! :))
i agree, cracking nuts is just fun.
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