According to Mel Brooks..."It's good to be the King"!
I'm gonna let you be the judge...
At age 22, Henry VIII contracted small pox.
At 33, he had his 1st of many bouts with malaria.
At age 44, he hurt his leg while jousting, they thought it healed. Later the wound reopened, became ulcerated, and that lack of movement caused Henry to become unable to exercize. The result was his weight Blimping up to about 320 pounds.
Eventually both his legs and feet became infected with ulcers.
He suffered from insomnia, temper swings, sore throuts, and migraines!
Henry spent the last 8 days of his life bedridden and too weak to even lift a glass to his lips.
The room that he was in reeked from the stench of his bursting leg ulcers, and his gangrenious toes!
Following his death, he was transported to Windsor for burial. Because of the heat, his humongous body filled with gas and burst while in the casket en route. When it was discovered the next morning, legend has it that 'dogs were licking his remains'!
Oh yeah that reminds me...I saw Zombieland this week-end.
What A Hoot!!
Woody Harrelson was PERFECT for his part.
And Bill Murray had a BRILLIANT cameo appearance!
Hope you enjoyed this episode of...TMI Tuesday!!
VERY TMI, bleugh.
But on second thougth, what an exit. Maybe I'll put that in my will for funeral plans... "I wanna 'SPLODE!"
hmmm... Nah.
definitely too much information, did ya really need to add the dogs in there, i mean it was pretty bad as it was!!
where do you dig up this dirt?!?
I didn't know about the explosion, but maybe he earned it. Karma, you know. Hey, I saw Zombieland, too. I wasn't sure I'd like it, but it was terrific fun!;)
Great historical facts and nicely discribed. Medical science wasn't at its best back then...."Bring out yer dead."
I am jealous you saw Zombieland. It is must see movie for the MM family.
MMMMmmmmmm. Brains.........
I feel like an overworked zombie. Does that count?
Zombieland is SO on the must see list for next weekend.
Didn't the old coot have 8 wives as well? I wonder how many of them gave him all this stuff LOL
nope, i don't think it's good to be king...
don't be alarmed, but I DO HAVE a little SURPRISE for you at my very own Blog. It was actually TOO HEAVY to tote with me ---LOL
cOME On oVER...TAKE A LOOK, sEE Your sUrpRIzE!!!
[scroll down my Tuesday Blog a bit to the JACK O LANTERN]
i'm glad i already ate breakfast.
Off with her head! I love that his ass exploded in one final putrefied explosion. Was that the worlds first chemical bomb?
you know...old Henry would have fit really well with the zombies...i think Thom might be onto something there.
Hmmm, and I was under the impression he lived the good life!
Haven't seen Zombieland, yet! But you've helped convince me to, G-Man! :))
no thanks to being King or Queen.
my son has seen Zombieland twice now. i'm going to wait for it to come out on DVD.
Having four ex-wives probably caused this...
I am sufficiently grossed out. :)
Apparently though he was a very handsome man in his youth. Not sure the bursting bit is true. ;)
Ugh sadly whil I was in LA helping after Katrina and during Rita there were a few biological episodes of bodies with too much heat and ....ugh the smell is really the most noxious thing... you can't seem to forget that.
Nasty stuff!
heading to see Zombie land this weekend with the boys!
I'll have to put Z-land on my list...maybe on Sun...but, I'm sure I'll be hungover from my friends Halloween party, so I may have to wait! :D
I try to focus on the beautiful things in life g-man...but, once in awhile my sicko NJ mind comes out and well, I get a sick fascination with disgusting things/facts. So thanks g for satisfying that urge! :D
p.s. I went camping this weekend and my lovely little pup found a pile of human crap and went face first into it...ummm yummy! :(
I once cared for a patient with a gangrenous leg. Not fun. Not fun at all.
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