Hi Everybody...
This week-end was loaded with Open-Houses as usual. But Saturday morning me and Reese got up extra early to go fishing.
We went to a place that I've been fishing for about 55 years called Miller Lake. This lake has never allowed gas motors on it, and it has no public access.
You can rent a boat for 5 bucks for a 1/2 day, and 10 bucks for all day.
We had to catch and release probably 100 small fish AND a Snapping Turtle (Chelydra Serpintina), to get these 5 'keepers'. The biggest one being this 10 inch Sunfish (Lepomis Microlophus ).
We had a great father and son day!
The last pic is what you look like after falling out of a 12 foot rowboat in the middle of the lake, and treading water and clinging to said boat for about 45 minutes,until you finally make shore, dumping the water out of the boat, then rowing for another 1/2 hout to reach the landing. Other than a bruised ego, a lost cell phone with 3 years worth of numbers and pics, and my 20 year old Ray-Bans...It was a very 'Fun-Day'....
Have a Great Week...
Oh no! I'm glad you had a great day, but oh, the cell phone and glasses. Ouch.
We tipped our boat once, just short of the pier, and my father quick as lightning as he fell, snatched his wallet and held it above his head to keep it from getting wet--we all laughed at the sight of this arm and wallet moving toward the pier. Of course that was back in the days of paper drivers' licences, paper bank cards, paper everything. And no cell phones! LOL
I hope the fish tasted good.
Poor baby! It's a shame about the phone and the glasses (and thank God the phone store's open on Saturdays), but thank God you didn't drown! Those fish better have tasted heavenly.:)
glad you can see the good in the day considering the time you spent in the drink....
I've been calling you all day..just kept getting glub..glub..
Yikes! lost your glasses & cell phone! I would be devastated!
The river really extracted its pound of flesh1
Now, I'm just picturing you clinging to the boat . . .
As I say to hubby, why spend money on a boat and bait when you can just go to the shop and buy fish. Hehe. Must be a man thing. Glad you caught something and enjoyed yourself.
Is the title of this days events "Revenge of the Turtles?"
heeee heeeee heeeeee, that's was me rolling around on the lakeside unable to get up with laughter by the way......
oh no, the lost phone and the bruised ego are no fun. glad you and reese had a nice time other than that though.
Hindsight is 20/20, but zip lock bags work for wallets and cell phones...
I LOVE fishing - but never caught a snapping turtle.
I'm sorry you got wet. Did you back up your cell phone list, young man? I finally did that after having to replace my 3rd damaged one and was so glad that I did. Oh, sorry, sounding like a mom again!
Glad you and your boy had a blast!
Oh no shame you lost your phone and your dignity but you had a great day - that's what matters eh? :)
Hey there G. Sounds like you guys had a great day. Sorry about the phone, pics, and RayBans but atleast you got some good father and son time in. I hope the rest of your week is fantastic.
Thanks Susan...
They tasted GREAT!!
Yeah Shere...
I squished with every step..:-)
But I got a new phone..hehehehe
Don't poke of me girlie, I had a very stressful experiance...:P
Hi Paisley...
All in all, it was a good day..
Mona Dear...
Sometimes you are just glad to be alive...:-)
Mama Zen...
NOT a pretty sight..hehehehe
Yeah Karen...
It's a MAN thing..
Walkin Man...
Just be wary if you get a call from a Donatello..:-)
Shadow Dancing...
You and everybody else on shore..
Thanks Trini...
My adventure was not nearly as harrowing as yours though..:-(
Oddly enough I brought one.
AND I wore old tennis shoes..
AND light shorts 'Just in case'..
Of course I didn't. That would make too much sense..Thanks
Yes, we will ALWAYS remember this day.
Hi Jadey...
You are so sweet...Thanks
Well, it was a memorable fishing trip for sure! Now, if anyone says "Why haven't you called me?" You can say, "sorry I lost your number!" It's at the bottom of the sea...
Once on a canoe trip with my husband I had just finished my chips and ziplocked the bag when we capsized...I hurriedly swam to snatch the other baggies that were floating away, as I heard my husband behind me yelling...
I turned my head back to see him standing in knee high water!! :D
Lulda Dear...
I wish it would have been so easy.
My son is a red/black belt. That's one below a black belt. I'll tell him just to give me an ass-beatin' rather than to go through all the crap you went through for a couple of fish.
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