..............(Depression Head-Ache)...............
The Economy, Jihads, Fossil Fuels, Erectile Dysfunction,
Daughter's Wedding, Dandelions, Fox News!!!
.................(Pop-Up on Yahoo)................
CYMBALTA (Duloxetine)...Is an indicated treatment for
Depression. Ask your Doctor if Cymbalta is right for YOU!
Side effects may include; Suicidal thoughts, Gingivitis,
Shingles, Dropsy, Constipation/Diahreah, Ring-Worm...
"What?...I'd better stick to Pot"!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment,.... Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End!!!
What about the restless legs side effect..
now that sounds scary!
Mine is posted.
What?! Those side effects aren't for real, are they? I'd rather be depressed! What a cheery little 55.:-)
Heh. Sounds like a good plan! You'll still be depressed, but you won't give a sh*t.
Here's the latest from the Time Tunnel:
55 Flash Fiction Friday #48: Chapter 40 - Zindagee aur Maut
My 55 is being posted now.
LOL Kurt always threatens to take a list of medications from commercials his next physical and ask, "is *** right for me?"
Our doctor is pretty cool I bet he would jump right in and ask Kurt, "I don't know are you a menopausal woman?"
I don't have a 55 ready but if I come up with one it'll be posted at midnight Pacific time. ;-)
Mr Knowitall, I really REALLY don't know what I'm doing on here, but I have posted a 55-word thing as my blog for today.
Let me know if I should stay or go. Either way is OK!
Thanks for reading.
Steve E
Yeah, I'd have to say pot is only reasonable under the circumstances.
Mine is up.
i'm up. i was bad last wk and didn't get to everyone's ffs or fatherhood fridays at dad blogs. tomorrow i'll be gone all day to an amusement park. i'll try read a few tomorrow night. xx
you are awesome, i love it, my mom used that stuff for restless leg syndrome when she was sick, they stopped the quinine cause she needed to have malaria to use it which was about the only thing she didn't have, and she did have those funny side effects (the real funny ones). poor thing, by the way mine up too. have a great weekend and thanks for your wonderful thoughts and comments.
Ok I thought of a topic. Mine is posted. :)
A fun 55 with a very important message, I think :-)
Mine's up. You'll find it in this post.
good idea!!!!! mine's up too...
They have to push the stuff, it is a profit base. The side effects are ONLY....ha ha ha ha.
I see you enjoy that commercial as much as I do. I really love the one where the possible side efffect is death.
Mine is posted.
Missed your visit last week.
what about erections lasting more than 4 hours?
Priapism?...You WISH!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh G-Man, you got that right!!!
My 55 is posted.
Have a wonderful weekend.
You hymns are so easily depressed and then you think some pill will help you. When you are really depressed just give up and let a dragon eat you.( Plesse don't take any medicine for twenty four hours before our lunch)
Great 55.
Ours has been posted
Of course that should have been humans. I wonder if the last dog I ate was on something.
Galen? Pot Luck to beat depression?
Or is it the W/C?
well...anything but THOSE side effects...
My 55ve is up too!
not following nay real lead i came up with the following... have a great weekend galen,, and stay away from the cymbalta please.....
my entry: the serpent
Damned if ya DO take it, damned if ya DON'T, eh? :)
G-Man, I played along today as well.
Ah stress - how it ravages us!
Oh - I posted! ( damn if I can't ever remember to write this in my comments for your 55!)
Okay -- I'm posted.
Love the 55 G. Yep stick to what you know best lol. I hope you have a great weekend. My 55 is up
So glad to find you; then I couldn't resist your Flash 55.
So here's mine:
With those horrible side effects, I think you better stick to pot. Oh boy, Galen that is some 55! You do make me smile. Have a great day. :))
I'll check in on everyone's 55's when I have had some sleep.
How true, Mojo! lol
Remove from me all anxiety! (And then I could sit on top of a mountain and wait-with Fandango-for some "humans" or "hymns?" to climb up and while they are meditating, we'll eat them.
Rested meat is much more tender.
Oooer the side effects are worth than the symptoms! Yeah, stick with pot! ;)
Good one G-man.
Mine's up too.
'kay g-man. I'm hooked.
Yeah....now that school's over, I've been indulging again myself.
And, I'm finally back on the 55 train this week after taking a li'l bit of a break.
'Pot over Meds'
I'm makin' a t-shirt.
xo, Oh, Galen-licious One
Much love. I miss you.
Hope you are well, My Friend.
I like the sleeping aids that "may cause drowsiness"...
"Pot - side effects may include cravings for nachos and twinkies and a sudden deep understanding of the philosophical meaning of Spongebob Squarepants!"
Yes, I did it. Finally. Happy Friday!
My 55 is up.
That was so clever, G-Man! Loved it!
p.s. re: your comment about disabling anonymous comments.
Yes, get those occasional, unwanted anonymous comments.
I'd love to disable except I do have friends who comment who aren't bloggers.
But, I sure would like to know how to do it! I've never done that before. Truly appreciate your concern and help!
Have a wonderful weekend, Galen!
ROFLMAO! good one g-man
Hi, Galen! Maybe you'd better send some of that my way. haha Actually, I am feeling much, much better. I only take supplements and prescription vitamin D. Just the good stuff.
Mine is up! Hey, it's STILL Friday! D
Yikes, scary stuff.
Mine's up!
Yes, the side effetcs are quite rotten to any anti depressant, the continual walking around and looking through petroleum jelly glasses..mmm.
daughter's wedding??? When??
Well, there's never a bad side-effect from reading your blog, G-man!
My 55 is up for the week.
Dandelions give me depression too.
Have a nice weekend.
An honest 55.
I'd be with Mona when she wonders about pot luck or the W/C. (We say bathroom over here).
I have been to London, and on one day culture shock was so bad I felt like going into the W/C and pulling the loo chain. Goodbye cruel world!
...Hey it was only London.
In Copenhagen, they have shower-stoopers and buggers!
Susan at Stony River Farm made me do it...and it was surprisingly fun. :) Thanks for helping the challenge trickle my way.
And thanks for the laugh...I wonder why they advertise drugs by listing all the side effects first?
Mine's at http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/
funny stuff. Hopefully I will get motivated soon to start writing again.
I am new at blogging, but intrigued with this Friday 55 challenge. I am going to try it tomorrow. Are there any other rules besides 55 words? I see the others always credit you at the bottom of theirs. Please come visit.
God bless,
my flash fiction is posted and ready for take off!
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