Hi Everybody....
Yesterday it actually hit 50.
Today it is only 39, but it is Sunny!!
My baby brother says it was 68 in Norfolk yesterday.
I think that on Thursday, I'll be taking a little (much needed) Road Trip.
Yep, in FOUR short days, G-Man will be swinging a club.....
...And if I see that Mange Ridden Rodent Phil, I'm runnin his ass over!!!
it's 50 today. i'm so happy.
happy clubbing :P
Please don't kill groundhogs, Galen.
I've got the fever, too. 68 yesterday & today in my little corner of the world. If it gets cold again, I'm not gonna be able to stand it! Listen, I'm ticked at Phil, too, but don't run the little varmint down. He IS kind of cute. Happy road trip!:)
Oh man it was 50 yesterday. I opened a couple of windows for a while and refused to close it until the furnace came on several times. How nice. I would have been outside more but we had a medical emergency happen. Oh well, all is well now. I will take 39 and sunny! I loved it out there today.
The next several days are suppose to be real nice too. I CAN NOT WAIT!
Have fun swinging those clubs. Lose a ball for me. :)
I saw the first robin of spring today.
It was riding a Harley on the freeway.
enjoy the golf!!!!! me, i'm ready to cuddle in-door with jerseys, love and hot nourishing stews...
it was so warm
sarah needed me
to remove
a pet house spider
from the bathroom!
happy golfing,
It's about 32 here, I am so looking forward to going to Spain next week! :)
*pops in, crashes the party, molests G-man and leaves* LOL
hee hee
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