I attended my first Bike-Nite Tonight.
It felt GREAT!!!
I was sporting a new earring...
Domestic long necks...2 Bucks!!
Great burn-outs!!
One guy had some patches that I wanted to photograph...
I said.."Excuse me but, Large James was my little brother"!!!
His reply..."He was my step-dad...Your Uncle Galen"?
Tonight's 55 actually happened...This man's name was John Smith ( I know ),
And his mother Phyllis was married to my brother for 20 years..
My brother raised this fellow.
We had a couple of cold beers, reminisced a bit, and exchanged phone numbers.
He was really glad to have met me after all these years....
Darn!!...Did I just do two back-to-back 55's?
You betcha!!!!
If you, or anyone you know did a Friday Flash 55 this week,
Please come tell the G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!!!
Please everybody, have a wonderfull week-end.
And whats the chance of three 55's....Huh?
Oh, wow, you really did hit the trifecta. Excellent pix, and that new earring looks terrific.:)
Love the Large James story. What are the chances?! Small world, huh?
Wow, that was an amazing story-and a trifecta to boot! Ok G man-I'm back to posting and even put the 55 up early..
OK...because it was an EXTRA special 55. I won't mention the fact that you have more than 55 words...lol!!!
My 55 will be up in the a.m.
Our friend, Missy sent me over. I've posted my first 55 EVER and here's you with a trifecta! No wonder they call you Mr.Knowitall, hehe.
show off! lol jk :) my 55 is up xo
Maybe some day I'll write what a trifecta is for me... Strumpet would like it.
I love the "You're uncle Galen?!" bit... that's classic! But how is it that your brother was in that man's life, raising him, for 20 years and you two never met? Lovin' your trifecta, anyway.
I'm up!
What a story, G! That's pretty awesome.
I decided to write a 55 after all. You know how I can't be pigeon holed.
wow, what an amazing coincidence and how special. glad you were able to reconnect after all this time.
gotta say dead "dead fucks" patch cracked me up.
Good that you two met!
OK...let me explain something here...
For the last 25 years or so of my brothers life, he lived about 150 miles away...he was kind of shift-less, and a hard core biker to the Max!
He would only visit me if he needed money, and he never brought his family around much to see me...I hope that clears some things up!
I'm runnin late as usual, but never fear, I WILL visit everyones blog tonight when I get home...Later
Wow, that's two might fine 55s. :D I think that it is awesome that you to were able to meet up like that.
And... I have relatives like that who only come around when they need money. It's sad really, you keep thinking, if I help them out one more time, maybe this will be the one that gets them on their feet and at least stumbling in the right direction.
Have a great weekend, Galen.
oh, and mine's up. :D
Man what a wonderful trifecta and I love the pictures too. You are just so talented today. Oh dear, it just dawned on me what I missed in the pictures. I should have known there was a reason you turned your head. I best go look at the new earring.
You da man. And boy, the "dead fucks" patch brought a smile my way.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I have the same exact question as Smarmy-doll.
Did you and your bro live in separate states for that period of time when he was married to Phyllis?
Or am I just missing something?
Had you just not seen your nephew since he was wee?
...Oh, never mind, I just finished reading up the comments.
Thanks for clearing that up.
NICE earring.
It goes awesome with the fashion mullet!
I want to go to a bike night.
Not that I have a bike.
I just think it would be fun.
I also just caught up on your blog.
I had 8-tracks when I was a kid. Well, my parents did. They were fun and I wish I still had them AND the player!!
My dad had a reel-to-reel recorder, too, and one time he taped my brother and I singing Cheap Trick's 'Surrender.' Now THAT I REALLY wish I still had.
Anyhow, my internet hasn't been that reliable, so I didn't get to play with the pre-post options, but I did get my 55 up a little bit ago finally.
Hope you have an awesome day, dude.
You rock.
xoxo, Galen Lee
I do.
Wow! This is cool. Thanks for sharing with us your joy.
Have a lovely weekend.
Two 55s? You're setting a trend here g-man - they were just great!
Oops sorry that was me I must have hit the button twice!
Forgot to say I love the story behind your 55s. x
Discovering long lost relatives! how cool!
I finally played today...not very original, but it's all I could come up with.
Dear Galen I am most deeply touched by your special post for me But I am not crying because if I do that my head will start aching again...
Thank you EVERYONE for your very kind and special wishes and prayers for me.
I am still supposed to be on bed rest, but have managed to sneak in a 55ve after all. Hope you see you all in full gear very soon :)
` Nice earring! Lookin' sharp, Galen!
triple threat,
you little 55 lover, you..
and most excellent
uncle galen story...
very cool, G.
have a killin friday night
you know i love you
deeply, madly, etc...
xoi meanitxo
Hey ya Galen!!
You sneaky ninja 55-er! :)
Mine was up, but blogger effed it up, so I had to go back and repost it and it posted fine.
It was craziness.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Galen: What a great story! Like the earring. Sounds like you had an awesome time together. Made me smile.
My 55 is up.
Motorcycles scare me.
How wonderful you caught up with this guy! And, you had such a great time at that. I just love those patches on the jacket too, LMAO!
Happy Mother's Day, Galen!
Little Lamb
Thanks one and all for visiting me
And an extra special thanks for all that played...See you all next week...Galen!
Thank You Chandra :-)
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