Howdeeeee.... Welcome to Appalachian North!!
Y'all don't have to be from the Holler to employ Hillbilly Technology to everyday life.
Last winter in the midst of a blizzard, my myopic son Reese ran into my Weber Kettle with my truck..(see dent in pic #1). He then so thoughtfully hid my Weber in a snowbank, and always parked the truck with the dent side facing away..This blunt force trauma was not discovered until the snow melted a couple of months back, and I wasn't any too pleased!
Now I understand that most folks have a gas grill...Not Me!! I have had my Weber for over 25 years and it was 'seasoned' perfectly. The bottom part was dented in, the leg holders were knocked off, the top was caved in, and the handle just plain disappeared!!
My family begged me to go buy a grill yesterday, but I considered this a wonderful challenge.
I got out my trusty sledge hammer, and pounded and pounded and pounded some more...
I felt like a blacksmith shaping this twisted metal into a recognizable shape. After a while, I still had the problem of the legs and handle. The legs was an easy problem to solve, I just used the stand from my turkey frier ( see pic #4 ). The handle...? Strictly ghetto, strictly hillbilly, but you know what?..It worked just fine!!!
I got the grates in the grill...
Poured Kingsford Charcoal into my grill..
And I never use Charcoal lighter fluid to start a fire, in this case I used apple wood twigs.
And for the dinner vittles, we had veggies stole from the neighbors garden, Possom Burgers, and Raccoon Bratwurst, sometimes known as "Ring-Tailed Suprise" around these here parts!!!
I hope Y'all are enjoying this holiday week-end, I'm now fixin to go work on my 'still' beforin the revenuers pay me a visit.....