Thursday, January 2, 2014

Friday Flash 55.....

The All Knowing and the All Seeing Galeno, will now give us his predictions
for 2014.....

* Adam Sandler will win the Best Actor Oscar for Happy Gilmore II

* Kanye West will turn Mormon, and marry both Khloe Kardasian AND Kris Jenner

* EVERY Flash 55 will be Fiction, have a plot, and be EXACTLY 55 words!!!!!

The last one...? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......
But as the Hash-Tag says, I AM gracious....:-)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from THE most gracious host from Coast to Coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!


Outlawyer said...

Hey Galen ==I am not up yet--but who did you get to draw that great cartoon of you!???? It is very charming!

Wishing you all the best for 14. K .(Manicddaily)

hedgewitch said...

Ha! The day you get a plot out of me, Kim Kardashian will be marrying Putin.
(I think they'd make a cute couple. He could teach her how to go topless and wrestle polar bears and she could teach him...something good, I'm sure.)

I am playin, though, You can find my plotless, totally fiction exactly 55 word offering

Margaret said...

Ha ha ha ha ha. Perhaps I shouldn't be such a pessimist - I might actually follow the rules once this year.

The Songwriter

Happy New Year, Mighty Galeno.

Brian Miller said...

ha. you might have a chance at one of them...i wont ruin it and tell you which though...

wonder how many words i used today...

Anonymous said...

ewwwww. HNY, Sir Galen

forgive me if I don't watch any of those predictions (besides the last) come true. ~

Mary said...

Your predictions are as good as any, Galen!!

Here is my 55: Occasion.

Janna said...

My F55's are always 55 words.

As for fiction and plot?
(*uncomfortable pause*)
My apologies.

I do occasionally mention bacon, so hopefully that makes up for some of my shortcomings.

This week, though, I think I met all three of your criteria.
Sort of.

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

Gabriella said...

As far as I can remember my 55s have 55 words. Here is mine for this week: Morning Cup. Have great weekend too!

TALON said...

New year, new hopes, G. ;)

Love your predictions. None are realistic, but, hey, you can't blame a guy for trying! :)

My 55: The Great Unknown

Alice Audrey said...

Hey, I try! Sometimes I even manage all three.

Mine is up

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Fiction? Plot? Oh dear. What's long with a little creative autobiography?

Here's mine: Acoma

Anonymous said...

Well, I have written something fictional, inspired from real life. I hope that counts. I am not sure about the plot because it is filled with open spaces. Ah! I am a rule breaker.
Here is the link: That loose wire

Laura said...

loving these predictions! Happy New Year!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Are you trying to get everyone to behave in 2014? This thing is to never get caught drinking a head man's beer.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Me a good boy(although I love 'Blurred Lines')and give you fiction...Mine is here

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I may just start joining you again for Flash Fiction.

Happy New Year!

Helen said...

Plot? You ask for a plot? Way too early in the year ... but, hey .. I've tried!


Maude Lynn said...

Oh, I can totally see the Kanye, Khloe, and Kris thing!

I've got one up on my poetry blog.

Boomer Sooner!

Anonymous said...

Hey Galen, I'm up now - another grimmish one--and I actually am in a very good mood over here at 6 below zero and counting!

Hope you are not too cold. Watch out for toes.



Anonymous said...

Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again taking you feeds also, Thanks.
jeux video

Amelia said...

Didn't get a chance to write anything, was working on writing something for my writer's group meeting, but you again, everyone has some great stuff posted.

lime said...

great predictions there, galeno! two of them are downright scary though!

Shadow said...

i bow to your wisdom, oh gracious one! happy new year...