Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday Slash 55.....

( approaching his target...)
There's something about steel.
The gun is cowardly and boring.
( buries the blade )
For one luxurious moment from puncture to twist...
You and the victim are ONE!
The gasp
The gush
That earthy sanguine scent
That pallid surprised stare
In spite of his turgid erection, he slinks off .
Compulsion...Momentarily slaked!!

If you or anyone you know, has stabbed someone or written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most turgid host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


Teresa said...

Chilling! It's almost like you know a bit too much about the subject. Mine is up.

Cloudia said...

yikes, you are an original G!

Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

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Alice Audrey said...

Stabbed someone? Does it have to have been with a knife? :D

Mine is up

Margaret said...

Oh... I was afraid this was going to be in first person... so glad you used the pronouns "his" & "he". Cripes Almighty this was scary.

Here is my .... unscary 55.

One Day

Secret Agent Woman said...

Okay, that's just creepy.

Janna said...

Sometimes I wonder about you...
Mostly I just try to stay on your good side.

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

lime said...

yeef, that's gruesome but quite an image you conjure in just 55 words!

Other Mary said...

What Janna said! Blech! Here's a little trick or treat from me.

Mr. Charleston said...

Ouch. That's what you call up close and personal.

Brian Miller said...

there is something a bit more intimate in sliding the knife into someone...bit of an oddball getting his rocks off on it...errr....

izzy said...

Gads zooks Gman that was sommmthinnn,
I almost choked on my popcorn!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Too many horror movies this Halloween season, G-Man?

Here's mine: Abandoned

hedgewitch said...

Cutting 55, my friend, not to mention sick and twisted. Of course, I loved it.

Okay, I have managed to get my slightly less scary but more puzzling one up tonight, despite all odds. We are both, seemingly, into the knives. Will make the rounds tomorrow.
Your friend,

Juggling Knives on a Unicycle

Akelamalu said...

OMG having witnessed that I now need my 55!

Shadow said...

wow, superbly told, g-man! but me-thinks i'll slink into the weekend instead, have a good one!!!!!

Unknown said...

Reading this,makes me worry about you....LOL..LOVE IT, great scary stuff. YOU ROCK the 55 out of me!! Mine is here

the walking man said...

Cool we both mentioned hard ons Must be an old goats moon.

Brian Miller said...

ok, you scared me enough.


mine is up.

the walking man said...

Oh yeah and we both had a fantasy about poking someone...damn I must be reading your mind.

Lydia said...

Ooh, "slaked"... such an underused word, and so perfectly used here. I am spooked. Eeeked out of my wits. But wishing you a happy weekend as I run from here!!!

flame in the rain

Daydreamertoo said...

Darn it. I forgot to do a nasty!
Your is... YUCK! LOL

Mine's here:
iPhone Siri

Have a fab weekend Mr G.

Pratibha said...

Duh !
slashes wrists !
how am i ever supposed to write this good :P ?


Yvonne Osborne said...

Well written! Very nice, if creepy and turgid. (Love that word.) Guns are for cowards, you've got that right but isn't it scary what a turn-on such moments are for the killer? I have a less creepy one
or maybe just as creepy in an underhanded way. TGIF!

hope said...

I opted for writing words as I don't have the stomach for doing time...because I would get caught. :)

Mine's up. Happy weekend!

RNSANE said...

Oh, this just feeds my forensic soul. Ummmm, you should go on and on and on...make it a best seller.

Mine is at:

I'm home in three weeks. Five months is flying by.

Maude Lynn said...

Whoa, G-Man! Creepy!

Anonymous said...

Hi G-man, Yeowch! Genuinely scary.

Have a great weekend and happy holiday! k.

d. moll, said...

Scary! mine is up, not one of my better ones, but posted all the same. Be careful with that knife!

d. moll, said...

soory took mine down

GAB said...

ah YUCK! lol dont like gory and that sounded almost like you know this personally