Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday Portrait.....

I've ridden My Hog to work many times in March.
But NEVER without a jacket!
It got up to 85 degrees today
In spite of my "Farmer Tan", I went sleeveless!
It was glorious!!!
BTW, the 'Average High" for this time of year is....
55 Degrees!!! Go Figure.
See you Thursday 8:00 PM EST


Scarlet said...

I love the warm weather ~

Happy spring day ~

Brian Miller said...

been nice here too man....enjoy it....and like the look

Cloudia said...

nothing like two wheels
to lift the soul!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

>< } } ( ° >

lime said...

the bikes are in bloom, it's spring!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Rough Rider...

Akelamalu said...

It's warm here too for March - great isn't it? :)

Perchpike said...

The cut of your jib leaves me speechless.

izzy said...

Cool beans! and I must do my hubby a treat- start cleaning up his Shadow
(which is in the barn) so he can take it out this weekend! :)

the walking man said...

And I bet of we could find 54 small enough people they could all ride that Harley at the same time. Enjoy the spring you know our summer starts in exactly 55 hours.

Bubba said...

And, of course, you never take your hog over 55 m.p.h. right? (Yeah, sure!)

Margaret said...

!! I got a farmer's tan riding my horse the other day... but I live in the south now. Crazy, but certainly enjoyable! Should I check on the accuracy of that 55 degree stat? :)

moondustwriter said...

Isn't that a little too much skin for March???

Maude Lynn said...

No fair! It's in the 50s here!

hedgewitch said...

You're looking quite the dangerous type, there, Mr G. Born to be Riled. Bet it's a blast to zoom along on that nice big toy. I would kill myself within two blocks.

I'll be back later to link in for the moto-cross event at===55mph.

Monkey Man said...

Hello from snowy Portland, OR. Spring my a$$.

hope said...

Mother Nature is having hot flashes! It was 88 here today!

Secret Agent Woman said...

I am absolutely loving this weather.

Secret Agent Woman said...

I am absolutely loving this weather.