He is kind and considerate, but loves to Shock!
He loves to make others smile.
He listens intently, but rarely talks about himself.
Other's happiness ALWAYS comes before his own.
He cries real tears!
He has always played the cards dealt to him....
But somewhere along the line,
HIS Heart got lost in the shuffle.
Regardless of Gender, we all know someone like this..
Don't we?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Hmmm yes there are many good hearted people out there. Sadly I know a young man who got lost in the shuffle and took his life yesterday.
Thank you for your sensitivity and kindness to so many in the blogsphere G-Man
def...yeah i imagine we do...it is the danger of living so far outside yourself....balance is key pops...
mine is up
Yes, your post reminded me of my Dad and his heart is in dire straits. Love this and thank you for being a gracious host ~
Sadly because I am losing my home, I will be absent from blogging for a bit. I wish each of you the best as 2012 begins vibrant and clear!!!
smiles to all
This is my favourite in a long, long time.
I'm up.
Now, I'm sad, G-Man!
Mines up! This might even be a link. Or, not.
Crying real tears is a sign you're a real human. I love it when your sensitive side comes to the fore, Mr G.
I'm playin--no weird dreams this time, just a poem:
Broken Cored
Certainly not talking about a politician!
Once Upon a Time
Will be back later tonight to read all the creative entries!
Hey, I know some people like that. Thankfully :)
Mine's up:
Have a great weekend Mr G-Man and everyone.
So easy to lose yourself in the needs of others. It's certainly important to care for the self also.
Mine is up here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/a-night-out/
I agree with Brian...balance is the key. How can you care and love others if you don't care for or love yourself? It's a hard lesson to learn.
My heart is HERE
oh for sure!
am back after a short hiatus with http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2012/01/no-regrets.html
Yep, I've known a few. Except for the losing on his heart, it could be you.
Mine is up
I've been looking for someone like this for 42 years.
(My birthday was yesterday.)
It also reminds me of myself, since it seems my own heart got lost in the shuffle somewhere.
But alas.
Here I am.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Oh boo, here you are being all lovely and sappy...and moi, her normal snarky self!! Glad you don't need to visit Oz for heart, G...I on the other hand may need all new parts. Perhaps a night at the symphony will do. Cheers ~
beautiful words G
Here's my whimsical contribution
To me, it sounds like a parent: frequently, the self will come last...
A lovely 55, G.
I am in again this week. Mine is HERE.
They are a rare breed - the types who put others wants and wishes before their own. It seems hard for them to ever contemplate putting their own happiness at the top of the list, but they are the ones who truly deserve to do just that.
My 55: Bumptious
yes..i know a few people like him..the dangerous thing is that he page can turn quite quickly and they become bitter, and then it's really sad... ok...haven't been here in ages but i'm playing this week...smiles
mine's HERE
It's good to have compassion for others, but one must have compassion for oneself as well. Thanks for the reminder, though, that not everyone is selfish in this self-centered world.
I wasn't quite so serious this week: Pirate
I've known a few like that over the years. If I know that's the case I try to redress the balance.
Nice 55. My 55 are here.
Very sober and touching..
my 55 is here - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2012/01/it-sure-is-bumpy-ride.html
That's a moving one, for sure. Let's hope it isn't autobiographical...
One here: Right Place, Wrong Time
So many of them around, if we look for them.
You'll find mine here.
A very touching 55, G-Man...I think your deepest yet. Really loved it and the image.
Mine is Lord Helpme
Ah yes, the proverbial 'Nice Guy' - always the friend of broken-hearted ladies, but never the object of their ardor. Been there, done that.
I don't have a 55 this week, but I'll make the rounds just the same.
(That's what us nice guys do - LOL!)
Thanks Eric...You are very much appreciated.
And Correct!
Just in case...here's a big ol' hug for YOU! ;)
Mine's up. Happy Friday the 13th. (What? I consider that much luckier than Monday the 13th!)
Hey-hey ! Is it Friday already ?
I know a woman or two who are distancing themselves from their
hearts- I keep snapping that
rubber band it is attached with
to remind 'em they don't want to go to the end of that leash-! Keep up the good stories-Happy Day!
Sensitive and thoughtful this one G x
Mine's up too.
Mine is up...it's a sequel LOL.
You know what, I don't know anyone like that. Either I've become to cynical or I just don't attract those kinds of people. Either is possible. Most of the time I find myself biting my tongue listening to people I know talk about how they give and give and give and everybody just takes and takes and takes...when that's not true at all. They just can't see past their own 'good deeds'.
Have a kick ass Friday the 13th. :)
Very poignant. Thanks, G.
I think of Mother Theresa's maxim that our main task in this life is to learn what it really means to love. . .
I think we've all felt lost in the shuffle a time or two. Hopefully we can learn to pick up the cards.
Mine's up!
Oh yes. the nice guy ! Remember an essay written about him. almost like your post..
My collection
we do indeed. those i know like this i wish the greatest of blessings upon them.
what a sweet tribe to a young man,
very encouraging 55, enjoyed this one.
I am submitting an old piece of 55 words,
you can read it Here
yes, i do too.. reminded me of a quote i read recently.."Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind."
My entry is up :http://myrandrspace.blogspot.com/2012/01/fun-friday-pinewood-derby-is-almost.html
That is so sad.
I always love when your sensitive side shows, G-Man. You are one-of-a-kind, for sure!!
I need to come back to blogging and to 55s and to writing in general. This was a good one; thanks much!
By the Numbers!
1,2,3 is easy as A, B, C
and 7 come 11 how lucky can ya get?
I’ll wager a bundle on that bet!
And of course both you and I
know 3.141592… is simple as pi,
though 2012
is a place I’d prefer not to delve
But, G-man, Friday 55
always makes me come ALIVE!
My little story concerns the Sadness of Things.
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